Chapter 16: Meeting Sakayanagi

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Sorry for such a long hiatus, readers.
I'll try to write as many chapters as I can from now on. I can't promise how many, but I'm definitely not dropping this fanfiction.
Thank you for waiting.

As of now, all the classes and years were gathered in the gymnasium during our second homeroom period since we were instructed to do so by Chabashira-sensei in the first homeroom period where we were informed about the upcoming Sports Festival and the changes in our class schedule for its preparation.

After the speech from Fujimaki, a third year Class-A student who had assumed command of the Red Team by unilaterally discussing with his class, the first year students of Class-A began to assemble in droves. The Class-D students, on the other hand, appeared to squirm. They felt nervous in the company of such elites since in the first term, the grades of Class-A had been significantly higher than Class-D. None of us had even come close.

"Well, the circumstances may be bizarre, but I'm looking forward to working with you. I hope we can join forces without any problems," said Katsuragi.

"I feel the same way, Katsuragi-kun. I look forward to working with you," replied Hirata.

Class-A had no merits in teaming up with the lowest ranked class of all. However, if our classes didn't work together, we'd drag each other down. We weren't agreeing to trust each other or work together but we were making a pact for a cease-fire.

"Hey, check out that girl," Ike whispered.

I understood why he was whispering. He was pointing at a Class-A student, a girl, whom I have seen before and recognised who that was. She stuck out in this crowd but no one said anything.

"Every individual class has its own strategies but--" Katsuragi continued talking as he ignored Class-D's concerned looks and whispers.

"So you don't intend to hold a discussion?"

A girl's voice echoed throughout the entire stadium interrupting Katsuragi. I recognised whose voice that was as everybody's attention switched to what was happening. In front of her, almost an entire class was in the process of leaving the gymnasium. A certain student, or it'd be more appropriate to say 'asshole', turned around with his hands in his pockets and spoke.

"You understand that I'm leaving out of goodwill, right? Even if I offered to cooperate with you, I can't imagine that you'd believe me. In the end, you'd just probe me for information to see whether I can be trusted, right? It's a waste of time," he said.

"I see. So, you're saving us the hassle, then," replied Honami.

"Yep, that's it. You should be grateful."

"Hey, Ryuuen-kun. You really think you can win without cooperating?" asked Honami.

"Heh. Hmm, I wonder."

Ryuuen sneered and walked out of the gym as the other Class-C students followed him away. In the meantime, I thought about walking up to Honami to calm her down but I discarded that idea since I didn't want to have prying eyes all around me saying that I betrayed my own class or something like that, so, I left that task to her class which they seemed to be good at.

As our class watched, Karuizawa's expression turned briny as she looked at a girl from Class-C as they left.

"Class-B seems to have it really rough since they got paired with Class-C and all." The exchange that we just witnessed meant that Ryuuen really did hold all the power in his class.

Knowing that, Katsuragi decided to offer some advice to Horikita. "Since we'll be allies from here on out, I should warn you. Don't underestimate Ryuuen. He'll laugh while he attacks you in the same instant. Don't let your guard down."

Classroom of the Elite: Reincarnation In His WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora