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The date is June 30th, 2020. Miku Hatsune, the normal one, was walking towards the Negi Root Police Department. Why is a celebrity like Miku going there, you ask? Well, she's going to get her uncle out of prison. She walked through the doors to meet Rei.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Hello. How can I help you?

Miku: I'm here to get somebody out of jail.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: And who would that be?

Miku: My uncle, Mr. May.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Your uncle, huh?

Miku: Yes. My uncle has been put here for about 10 years already. He did a pretty big crime.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Yes, he did. Well, if he wants to taste freedom now, you're going to have to pay a big sum of money.

Miku: I'm rich! I'll pay for it all. Just tell me how much.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: At least $3,000.

Miku: $3,000? No problem.

She takes out her checkbook and writes the sum down. When she was done with that, she handed the check to Rei.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Thank you very much. Now, let's get your uncle out of here. If you would follow me, please.

Meanwhile, Oleanna May [Out And About]'s dad was in his cell, probably thinking about his daughter. When all of a sudden, his cell opened up.

Mr. May: Is it lunchtime, officer?

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: No, Mr. May. Your niece bailed you out. You're free to go.

Mr. May: I am?

Miku: My uncle is free!

She hugged Mr. May.

Mr. May: Hey, punkin. Gee, you sure have grown a lot.

Miku: Uncle, I have some horrible news to tell you.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Be good, sir.

Mr. May: I will.

Miku and Mr. May walked outside to the parking lot.

During the car ride, Miku told her uncle about Oleanna and how she got seriously injured by her mother and Oleanna's stepfather.

Mr. May: Where is she? I want to see her!

Miku: She's at Negi Root General Hospital. We're heading there now.

About a half hour later, her car arrived at the Negi Root General Hospital. The lady up front told them to go to room 407, where Oleanna was. Miku and Mr. May took the elevator up to the fourth floor and into the room. Miku opened the door. Mr. May saw his daughter on the hospital bed, covered in bandages. Ciel DuBlois was also there, keeping her company.

Mr. May: Is that...Oleanna?

Miku: It is.

Mr. May: Oleanna?

Out And About: Daddy? Is that you?

Mr. May: My beautiful girl. What happened to you?

Ciel: Your niece told me that your ex-wife and her new husband abused her. They dumped boiling water on her.

Mr. May: And who are you?

Miku: This is Ciel DuBlois, the savior of Negi Root City.

Mr. May: Are you a friend of Oleanna's?

Ciel: Yes, sir.

Mr. May: Are you okay, Olly?

Out And About: It really hurts, Daddy. It feels like I'm on fire.

Mr. May: I know, Olly. But these burns will heal eventually. Trust me, your mother and her so-called 'new husband' will get what they deserve. Miku told me everything on the way here.

Miku: The trial will be in a few days.

???: Psst! Ciel.

Ciel: Soleil?

Soleil: Yep. You forget about my little 'power'.

Ciel: Oh. Um, Mr. May, Miku...I can make Oleanna's injuries heal a lot faster.

Miku: You can?

Ciel: Yes. My sister, Soleil can heal any wound.

Miku: Isn't your sister dead or something?

Ciel: She is, but her spirit is still here on Earth.

Mr. May: What do you mean by 'healing any wound'?

Ciel: Just watch, sir. Oleanna, can you move your hand?

Out And About: I can't move anything.

Ciel: Don't worry.

He touched Oleanna's hand. Suddenly, a gold light from Ciel's locket appeared. Soon, Oleanna started to glow too!

Miku: (trying to shield her eyes from the bright light) What is happening?

Soleil: Stay back!

A few seconds later, the glowing disappeared. Mr. May and Miku opened their eyes to see Oleanna in the same position.

Mr. May: What was with the light show just now?

Out And About: Hey, I can move my fingers.

She wiggled her fingers and toes.

Miku: Are you healed completely?

Out And About: I am.

She hugged Ciel, which surprised him a little, but he hugged back anyway.

Out And About: Thanks a lot, Ciel.

Ciel: You're welcome, Oleanna.

Mr. May: I can't believe it. You managed to heal second-degree burns.

Soleil: Don't ever doubt me, sir.

Ciel: Well, Oleanna, do you think you can handle the trial? You might see your mother and stepfather.

Out And About: I don't want to see them again! Not after what they did to me!

Ciel: It's okay, Oleanna. I'll be with you.

Out And About: Thanks, Ciel. You're a good friend.

Miku: (to Mr. May) Well, you and Oleanna can stay with me until the trial. I have plenty of room at my house.

Mr. May: That's fine with me.

Miku: But we have to bring Ciel home first.

After Veronica came in to check on Oleanna, Ciel told her what happened and the Miku nurse removed her bandages. The group then left the hospital. Miku got in the driver's seat, Mr. May in the passenger seat, and Oleanna and Ciel got in the back. Miku drove to Angelica's house first, dropping off Ciel, and then the 3 of them went home. Oleanna is scared about the trial, but she hopes she'll never see her mother and stepdad for a long time.

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