Start of a beautiful friendship

Depuis le début

Was that Dean? Jack detected that it wasn't because whoever is in the kitchen is giving off a lot of power that far eclipsed than his own.

Jack gulped. He carefully goes to inspect the kitchen as he stuck his head. Inside he sees a beautiful and attractive woman with long dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, light tanned skin tone, and wore a blazer suit. She held a beer bottle in her hand.

She stood up straight and paused. Jack tensed at seeing this.

"I know you're there." Jack goes miff. "Are you gonna step out or do I have to go get you." The woman turns around, smiling sincerely.

Jack stepped into the kitchen with a shy face. His eyes divert to looking at his sneakers. Like a kid being caught of sticking his hands in a cookie jar. "I-I didn't mean to spy on you. I was scared that you were an intruder when I felt your power and-"

"Relax and breath." She instructed with this motherly-like tone.

Doing just that, Jack calmed down and takes deep breaths. He no longer felt socially awkward. "Thank you." Looking at her face-to-face, Jack dare say he was in the presence of a goddess, considering she has the power to back it up. "You, who are you? You're not an angel."

The woman snorts, rolling her eyes at the assumption. "No, do I look like whiny-winged suck up?" Jack takes a step back. Fearing he upset her when she cracked a grin and chuckles softly. "Relax, my dear grandnephew. I was merely kidding." She takes a step forward. Jack was three inches taller than her but they nearly stood at the same height. She cupped his face with a smile plastered onto hers. "I've been wanting to meet you for some time now, but I've been busy the last few years."

Jack was confused. "Grandnephew?"

"Of course. I'm your grand-aunt, Jack. God's twin sister. Have you heard of me go by as the Darkness?"

Jack shook his head. "No. I know who God is but Sam or Dean never mention God having a sister."

"Jack, where are you? I hear you talking to someone. Who are you-" stepping into the kitchen and coming to a stop with shock and surprise written on his face is Dean. "Amara?"

Amara smirked widely. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Dean?"

Dean shook away his disbelief and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, sure has been. Last I heard you and Chuck left together on vacation to reconcile."

"Him and I have done a lot of catching up but I wanted to explore the world on my own and have had other responsibilities since we last saw each other."

"Oh...awesome. So why come back here?"

Before she can answer, a loud shout that calls the name of a certain Seraphim belong to Sam.


The three occupants in the kitchen room rush out. They arrive in the library to see Cas pinned to the wall. His Angel blade was on the floor but the person pinning him via telekinesis was this young teenage girl.

Jack's looked surprise. The teenage girl was very beautiful and attractive much like Amara. In fact she looked much like Amara, only younger. She had shoulder length dark brown, same chocolate brown eyes. The only difference was her skin tone is fair than tanned and she stood tall at a of height 5'3". Her clothes consisted of a beautiful maroon dress that goes down half her calves  and oddly black combat boots to go with it and yet look well with being worn by her. What catches Jack's attention is he noticed due of her sleeve moving on her left collarbone is this weird looking tattoo that seemed more like it was swelled flesh that was burned and in the shape of a 'F' facing backwards.

Start of a beautiful friendshipOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant