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With the lights still off and the majority of patients in their rooms, a pale figure quiet as a ghost rushing through the hall, the long red hair whipping behind. For Mountain View Hospital, this had become a regular sight in the early morning. At 5:30 every morning, the figure would sneak into the hospital kitchen and bake cookies. And, every day, when the staff arrived for the shift change, they'd find a plate of cookies on the table in the lounge. And, of course, no one complained. Well, all except for Dr. Stewart. Dr. Stewart, coming in early every day, would find the figure in the kitchen and kick her out. "Julie-Ann! " The words flew sharply out of Dr. Stewart's mouth when he saw the figure, "How many times have I told you to quit this nonsense! For heaven's sake, you're twenty three, not five, and I'm not your father!" The figure, Julie-Ann, being a simple mortal woman and not a ghost, was startled by the words.

"Correct, you're not my father nor am I five," Julie-Ann replied as she set the tray of cookies on the counter so as not to drop them. "But I get to enjoy so little in my hectic life, so please allow me to finish. It will be the last time I swear."

"You say that everytime, and everytime you come back," said Dr. Stewart, annoyed with Julie's repetitive disobedience. "I'm going to tell the kitchen staff to start locking the doors, and not to give you a key. This is the last time, once and for all."

"Fine, but I just wouldn't tell the staff you're the one who stopped the cookies from coming." The snarky comment bursting out of Julie's mouth before she could stop it. "Crap, I picked a really bad time to untie my hair and flip it over my shoulder," she thought, moving her long red hair back over her shoulder, a nervous habit she had picked up in the last two months. Though, her nervousness was eased when the doctor chuckled and turned to walk out the door.

"Just... go lay down it's too early for you to be up"

" I will," she replied, turning her attention back to the cookies, "Just as soon as I finish these."

"You need to stop working so hard, especially at the beginning of a week as busy as this," The doctor said, chiming his ending comment as the door closed.

Later at around 7:00, Julie as per usual, was up and around, looking for the next way to help out. "Do you ladies need any help," Julie asked, receiving the same negative response as always from the reception workers.

"Julie-Ann, we appreciate your willingness to help, but you get the same response every day. And, you know we can't let you help... right? The receptionist inquired as a man approached the counter. "Hang on, let me help this man first," she said, waving the man over. " Back again I see," she commented when the man was at the counter. " Accident care is still on the third floor Mr. Garrison."

"Ugh, I thought I finally had the right floor." Exclaimed Mr. Garrison. "What floor is this?"

"This is the second floor, the cancer treatment wing." The receptionist answered. Do you need me to show you to your destination for a third time?" She asked with a chuckle as she started to get up.

" Yes please, and thank you so much." Mr. Garrison replied.

"Your welcome, the third floor room 2001?" She questioned to clarify.

"Yes mam, the same place." He responded.

"I can show him," Julie suggested turning to Mr. Garrison and then to the receptionist" Than you can do your work"

"Are you sure you should walk around on that leg of yours?" The receptionist asked instead of answering.

" I will be fine,'' Julie said, moving her left leg around so the receptionist could see. "I don't feel it at all.

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