a sudden burst of anger (Elli's POV)

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A few days later, I decide to go take a walk around my local park to clear my head.

The time was exactly 9:00 in the morning, so I decided that I'd eat something at a local cafe or something.

I checked the weather and saw it was 82° outside, so I put on a red crop top, black tights, and my black sneakers that had white laces on them.

I grabbed my headphones, and walked out the door, finding that my neighborhood was quiet and peaceful.

The only things you'd hear every now and then are cars passing by, the birds chirping, and the gentle breathing of the wind.

I started walking, not wanting to waste any time.

Ten minutes later, I reached the forest-like park and started strolling down, observing the bright green of the leaves around me.

All of my thoughts and worries slowly melted away. I stopped to check my phone and a familiar voice rung out.

"Good morning, Elli." Jacob sneered.

I didn't say a word and kept walking.
"I said good morning, you dumb redhead bitch." He hollered.

I didn't wanna deal with that bitch today.

Can't a guy just have some quiet time to himself?

I kept walking away, and he kept following me.

"So, how's my ex treating you? Is he good in bed? What's he doing right now?" The questions poured out of his mouth.

I stopped to text Sunny, letting him ask away without a fuck to give.

I texted her where I was, and about Jacob.

I pulled out my headphones, and put my music on full blast.

He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and that's when I decided I'd had enough.

My eyes switched from the teal they usually were to a bright red.

I turned around and punched him in the mouth.

He fell to the ground, whining and wincing.

I skipped away, continuing my walk.

Like I said before, I ran out of fucks to give a few days ago.

So I continued my walk down the path of leaves, trees and bright flowers.

After my literal walk in the park, I decided to eat something, since my stomach started growling of hunger.

I walked back the way I came, and found a local cafe that I went to often.

I walked into the cafe and people automatically stared.

"Is that the guy that fought off that Jacob dude?"

"I heard he stole Jacob's boyfriend!"

The looks and whispers ticked me off a bit but I kept walking to the counter to order my food.

Once I ordered, I sat down in an empty table, not wanting to be around anyone else.

I was already popular enough around here.

"Elli? What are you doing here?"

I looked to the side to see where that voice came from.

Noah and Lana were in the area, too?

"Hey, you two." I said.

"You seem stressed. I can feel it."

Noah and Lana sat down next to me.

"It's just...I met Jacob on my walk today and that's what's got me mad. I had to smack some sense into him to get him to shut up." I rolled my eyes.

When would he just let it go?

"Just don't let him get to you, Ells. He's gonna be that way." Lana reached for my hand. I slapped it away.

"You don't think I've tried that? You don't think I've tried to get away from him? Huh? It's so easy to you to shake off a fucking abusive stalker?" I growled. I could feel my insides boiling with anger.


"No, Lana! I've tried to keep all of this down but I can't take it anymore! I can't just get over it like that! It's not how it works! I can't take the damn stress anymore! I can't fucking date a guy in peace without anyone saying anything! I hate the world, I hate myself, and I hate my current situation!"

I got up, got my food, and marched outside the door, not wanting to talk to anyone.

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