Chapter 1 : Liar

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Author's P.O.V

Today was the day senior year would start and to say Marinette was happy was an understatement she was estatic.

She got up really early like four hours early so she got up showered and then chose her outfit went downstairs then helped her parents open the bakery.

After that she checked the time and saw that it took nearly two hours to do all of that, she decided to just go to school since she didn't have anything else to do.

She arrived really early and saw that some of her schoolmates were already there and when they saw her they glared at her.

She felt kinda scared so she sped up then went over to her class and saw the early birds like Nathaniel and Max were already there.

"Hi Nate, Max" she said with a happy smile.

They glared at her then turned their heads. She felt kinda sad but didn't let her classmates weird behavior completely dampen her mood.

She sat at her seat then took out her phone and started playing candy crush.

1 hour later(in SpongeBob voice)

The class had started filling up slowly and all who walked in gave her shocked looks then glared at her.

She ignored them and when Alya walked in she had almost beaten level 112 but her phone was snatched out of her hands by an angry Alya.

"Hey Alya I was just about to beat level one hundred and twelve" she said while retrieving her phone from the taller girl.

"I can't believe you Mari-brat" Alya said

"What?" Marinette asked genuinely confused and hurt

"Oh don't act all innocent you bitch" Alya said glaring at the smaller girl

Alya had never swore well never swore in Marinettes presence.

"We know what you did to Lila this summer you bully" Alya said

By now everyone except Chloe, Lila, Adrien and Mrs. Bustier had arrived and all their attention was directed towards the two girls.

"Why and how would I bully Lila?" Marinette asked "I haven't seen or contacted anyone from class all summer"

"You bully her because you're jealous of her" Rose said

Just then Lila fake limped in with a few fake cuts and bruises.

"OMG Lila what happened" Alya said nothing but concern in her voice.

"M-m-ma-marin-nette" Lila fake stammered.

She was slightly surprised that Marinette had gotten there before her but did not let it show.

Alya then went to slap the poor girl but a hand stopped her and that hand was Adriens'.

"Alya what the fu- frick is wrong with you?" Adrien asked her with an angry and confused expression(he has just arrived)

"Just teaching this bitch a lesson" Alya said with a smirk

"What the heck are you talking about?" Adrien asked

"She bullied Lila all summer" Alya said

"No she didn't she was in London since day one" Adrien said

Before Alya could say anything Mrs. Bustier walked in causing everyone to return to their seats.

"Alright class today we're learning about XxxxX XxxxX" Mrs. Bustier said

"Miss can me and Marinette swap seats, I want to sit with Lila" Alya asked

"Uhm ok that'll cause alot more changes" The teacher said "Here's the list
Alya _ Lila
Chloe _ Marinette
Adrien _ Sabrina
Ivan _ Kim
Mylene _ Alix
Nino _ Nathaniel
Aurorae _ Max
XxxxX _ XxxxX"

Just then Chloe walked in and saw Marinette in Sabrina's old spot then looked at her teacher in confusion.

"Chloe, nice of you to join us you sit with Marinette now" Mrs Bustier said

She nodded then sat at her desk and took a small paper then wrote something and handed it to Marinette.

We have to talk -C

About what? -M

I'll tell you during break -C

Ok I guess -M

"Miss, Marinette is passing notes in class" Alya reported

"Would you like to tell the class what's on your note?" Mrs Bustier asked

"Miss it wasn't Marinette it was me she didn't do anything" Chloe said defending the smaller girl.

Everyone including Marinette was shocked because Chloe had never been nice to Marinette much less defended her.

"Uhm ok then we'll finish learning about XxxxX XxxxX" Mrs Bustier said

Time skip brought to you by Tikkis adorableness💗💗

During break

Marinette walked to the cafeteria feeling nervous and sad, she saw Chloe standing at the entrance.

"Chloe, why'd you call me?" Marinette asked the taller girl

"Let's go sit down" Chloe said

They walked over to the table farthest from everyone else.

"Marinette you know that I was adopted right?" Chloe asked, Marinette nodded

"Were you adopted?" Chloe asked the smaller girl.

"I don't think so, Chloe where's all of this coming from?" Marinette asked

"Well you see a few weeks before I snooped daddy's office and I saw adoption papers, I thought they were mine but they didn't have my name they had yours'' Chloe explained

"It could've been someone else's name" Marinette said

"It said Marinette Dupain Cheng formerly known as Marigold Cheng" Chloe said

"I'll ask my parents when I get home" Marinette said while getting up

"Marinette wait"

"What?" Marinette asked

"I just want to say that I'm sorry" Chloe said

"It's ok I forgive you" Marinette said with a smile

"What? No, you should scream at me shout at me telling me that you can't just forgive me. I wouldn't even forgive me that easily, please Marinette do something don't just stand there, tell me that I don't deserve your forg-" She was cut off by Marinette hugging her.

She tensed then relaxed.

"Chloe, you don't have to apologize I forgave you years ago" Marinette said

"What, no you shouldn't hav-" She was cut off by Marinette shushing her.

"Chloe, I'm not letting you start another rant plus what you did is nothing compared to what Liar did" Marinette said

"Marinette are you okay cause that bit- biscuit turned all of your friends against you" Chloe asked the smaller girl

"Of course I'm fine" Marinette said with a forced smile

Chloe knew that she was lying but didn't push because she knew that Marinette wasn't completely comfortable with her yet.

"So Chlo you wanna start over?" Marinette said trying to change the subject.

"You mean like be friends?" Chloe asked

"No, like become the queens of China" Marinette said with an eye roll,sarcasm laced within her voice"Yes like be friends"

"I did not know you were so sassy" Chloe giggled

They shared their food had a lot more fun.

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