I'm Sorry

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"Alberto, I'm sorry," Giulia said.

Luca and Alberto turned to look at her. The trio was at her treehouse looking at the stars as this was the last night they shared since Giulia would take the train back to Genova in the morning.

So, after helping her pack, the boys took the opportunity to rest from the emotions of the previous day (when the race took place.) Giulia and Luca tried to explain to Alberto what the stars were. But Alberto was stubborn in his position that they were fish, so in the end, the two gave up and preferred to relax, waiting for the food to be ready. The Paguros had returned to dinner that night. They seemed to be getting along very well with Massimo.

The trio was lying down until Giulia made that comment.

She got up, staying seated, to which her friends imitated her standing in front of her; the girl sighed and looked Alberto in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for... you know, how I reacted that day at the beach."

There was an awkward silence while Alberto looked away, scratching behind his head; Luca lowered his gaze as he had also hurt him that day, and in hindsight, he didn't know why he had acted so stupidly. They could have explained the situation to Giulia; after processing it a bit, the girl had no problems that they were sea monsters. She proved it when they got home, and she wasn't angry because they lied to her; she just wanted them to be safe.

So clearly, there could have been a better way to handle the situation.

"I should have known you would never hurt me," Giulia continued.

Alberto wasn't looking at her, and his eyes were closed.

"Alberto..." But he raised a hand, indicating her to stop. Giulia obeyed him.

"No, Giulia, I'm the one who's sorry."

Giulia and Luca opened their eyes. They saw each other and then at their friend. Alberto sighed before looking at her.

"I shouldn't have... revealed it to you that way, nor try to scare you after how good you and your dad treated us."

And it was true. Alberto had focused on his jealousy that he didn't realize how important he was to Giulia. That's why she risked her life trying to save them from Ercole and stood up for them in front of the entire time, and something told him that, if Giulia had had to, she would also have protected them from her own father. Besides, Massimo had treated them as if they were family, and he rewarded him by almost scaring his daughter to death; he hadn't been fair.

"And I'm sorry too, Luca," Alberto added.

Luca's mouth opened almost as much as one of his fish; what did he mean? He was the one who betrayed him! But Alberto did not allow him to talk as he continued speaking.

"You didn't want to tell her yet; it wasn't fair to put you in that situation either."

"But I shouldn't have reacted that way," he intervened, "I should have thought things better, found a solution, tried to explain it to Giulia."

"I didn't leave you many options," Alberto admitted, "I put you in a cave with no way out."

He wiped a tear with his arm before continuing.

"It's just... You two started spending so much time together, and I'd been alone for so long- I was afraid you'd leave me too," Alberto admitted.

"Alberto... it was never our intention for you to feel alone."

This time, Giulia approached him and grabbed one of his hands.

"You know that Luca loves to learn new things," that caused the three of them to laugh, "and I... whenever I come to Portorosso, everyone treats me like a weird kid who doesn't belong, so when I saw that Luca enjoyed so much what I could teach him, I felt that I finally found someone who understood me."

Alberto smiled; he knew what she meant. Portorosso was Giulia's island, and Luca was the one who had managed to get them both out.

"But that doesn't mean I don't care about you," Giulia continued, "We would have never abandoned you."

"I'm very sorry that we made you feel like that, Alberto," Luca continued, "is just..."

"Relax, I know it's impossible to teach an expert."

Giulia rolled her eyes, and Luca laughed.

"I didn't want to hurt you. When Giulia told me everything I could learn at her school- I was thrilled to think I could go to a place like that, and I was scared that I could lose it for being different," Luca continued, "That's why I screamed, but I never thought of abandoning you; I wanted you to come with us."

Alberto opened his eyes, remembering that fateful day.

"We were wondering if we could come with you to your school?"

"He said we, no I, he was never leaving you behind."

Alberto put a hand to his forehead.

"I'm an idiot!"

"We all made mistakes that day," Giulia reassured him before playfully ruffling his hair.

This time, Alberto laughed.

"Hey, I'm also sorry for being so aggressive towards you."

Giulia smiled with a shrug.

"Is in the past, although you still aren't allowed on my bike!"

The three laughed, and then Alberto looked at Luca.

"And I'm also sorry for almost punching you."

"But you didn't; that's what matters."

Both boys smiled at each other; Giulia put her arms around his friend's shoulders and drew them into a hug.

"Let's make a promise," Giulia suggested once they separated. "From now on, there will be no secrets among us. The Underdogs will always be honest. And, if we ever feel lonely, angry, or insecure, we tell each other. We will support each other no matter what."

Luca and Alberto nodded; Giulia put her hand in front, and the boys knew what to do. After joining hands in the center, they shouted in unison:


It was a beautiful moment, which was interrupted by the voice of Daniela Paguro.

"Kids, dinner's ready!"

"We're coming, Mom," Luca shouted back.

He was the first to go down; Giulia was about to follow him when Alberto held her arm gently.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"There's something I'd like to do, but I need your help."

He quickly talked about his idea; at the end, the girl looked at him with a doubtful look, but at the same time, he knew she liked it.

"I thought we wouldn't keep secrets from each other anymore."

"Think of it as a surprise and a great one."

Giulia smiled; she wasn't discussing that.

I'm Sorry.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat