"I look big."Cher said and Rob kneeled in front of her.

"Do you see this?"Rob asked as he rub her baby bump.

"Yes, that's been there since forever."Cher answered that made him laugh.

"Our little Italian bean is inside you that's why you're growing, MOMMY. After you gave birth, with the doctor's approval, I can work out with you. We'll work out beside our baby's crib if we can, but right now, I want you to know that even if you're growing, you're still beautiful, you are gorgeous."Robert said that made her sweetly smile.

"Okay, just hormones."Cher said and he giggled.

"I love you, mommy Cherilyn."Rob said and she ran her tongue on her upper lip.

"I love you, too, daddy Robert."Cher replied and he smiled.

"C'mon, let's make pizza."Rob said that made her smile from ear-to-ear.

Robert took extra good care of Cher at her last weeks of pregnancy until her due date came. Everyone in their house stayed alert for anytime soon they all need to transport Cher to the hospital, and Cher is just thankful that every member of their family is there for her.

"My water's still intact, people. It looks like I'm not giving birth anytime soon."Cher said as she slowly sit on their living room sofa.

"You can tell us your baby's gender while waiting."Georganne suddenly uttered.

"We don't even know the baby's gender. We'll have to wait until he or she is already out."Cher uttered.

"But do you have names for both genders?"Georganne asked.

"Of course, we have."Cher answered.

"Where did you get your baby's possible names?"Georganne asked.

"Well, I kinda fell in love with Armenian names, I don't know why but I just really started looking for Armenian names."Cher answered.

"And of course, there's still an Italian name mixed into it."Robert added that made them laugh.

"I actually told him that Robert is a good middle name for a boy but he don't wanna name our baby after him."Cher said with a pout.

"Yeah, I just really want our baby to have his own name if ever it's a boy. And our baby will already have Camilletti as his or her last name so no need to put on my name."Rob explained.

"But I still think that your name is a cute name for our baby if our baby's a boy."Cher said and he just giggled.

They waited for hours and hours for Cher to show signs of going into labor but nothing, and that disappointed Cher big time.

"Yeah, I'm not giving birth anytime soon."Cher said as she slowly settle on their bed with the help of Robert.

"It's okay, babe. The doctor said that this can happen and it's totally normal."Robert said softly.

"I'm just excited to meet our little one."Cher said and Rob kissed her forehead.

"I know you are and I am, too, but we just have to be patient."Rob said and Cher nodded.

"I'm excited to see if we're going to have an Italian-Armenian princess or prince."Rob uttered that made Cher giggle.

"I'm sure that if we have a princess, she's going to be a total daddy's girl."Cher said and Rob nodded with a hum.

"Oh yes, I'd spoil her rotten. But either a boy or a girl, I'd spoil him or her that's for sure."Rob said and Cher hummed.

"I'm afraid that when I already pushed out our baby, I'll be you two's third wheel."Cher said and Rob shook his head.

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