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As soon as the final exam was over, Mo Zebei flew to the Wuming Island alone.

She didn't come back during the whole winter vacation including New Year's Eve.

It wasn't until the night before school started that she returned from exhaustion with a suitcase.

On the first day of school, there is usually nothing important. Mo Zebei didn't go to school and slept at home for a whole day. Quan Yun called and asked with concern.

For the next semester, Mo Zebei shuttled to the teaching building, cafeteria, and home basically every day. In this way, the three-point-one-line life lasted for a little half a year, and then it was summer vacation.

Mu Hanxi applied to the unit leader for leave without pay. During the holiday, she flew to the Wuming Island with Mo Zebei.

At the beginning of September, Mo Zebei returned and Mu Hanxi was still there. It was only in February of the following year that Mu Hanxi returned and successfully conceived.

That night, Mo Zebei was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. At more than four o'clock in the morning, Mu Hanxi was thirsty and wanted to get up to drink water, but found that this person was still lying there, stroking her belly.

"Mo Xiaobao," Mu Hanxi fiddled with her short hair in a low and soft voice, "Go and pour me a glass of warm water."

Mo Zebei rubbed his chin against Mu Hanxi's cheek, then turned on the bedside lamp, and took the porcelain cup to the water fountain with his slippers.

When Mu Hanxi drank the water, Mo Zebei sat and watched seriously.

In the quiet late night, Mu Hanxi sips the warm water in the porcelain cup with her low eyes, and the person next to her warmly guards.

Because Mu Hanxi was pregnant and Professor Mu herself was too old, she declined the request of the hospital leaders and officially retired after the end of the semester. Mufu's situation was the same as hers.

The two have been busy with work for most of their lives, and naturally look forward to spending some leisure time and enjoying the family happiness.

Coincidentally, Mu Xuanya also called and said that she was pregnant.

Mu Hanxi was too happy, and immediately asked Mo Zebei to drive her to find Mu Xuanya.

The sisters held hands and chatted for an afternoon. Mo Zebei and Lu Chi were playing in the kitchen about cooking. Mo Zebei wore an apron, which looked good, and she was also professional. Lu Chi was not technically skilled. Jia, I can only help by the side.

For dinner, there are four dishes and one soup, including white radish stewed lamb, bean sprouts fried shredded pork, two green vegetables, and the pimple soup that northerners like to drink.

Seeing that he has an appetite, Mu Xuanya casually praised Mo Zebei's and Lu Chi's actions of picking up dishes, thinking about going back to buy two recipes online to study cooking...

Two days before Mo Zebei started school, the four of them went to Mu Yingxue's house together again.

Both younger sisters are pregnant, and it is a joy to be an older sister.

She cooked a table of dishes personally, because the food was so delicious that Mu Hanxi and Mu Xuanya were a little bit supportive in the end.

Mo Zebei was so nervous, he wanted to go to the bedroom to help Mu Hanxi massage his stomach.

Mu Hanxi was a little embarrassed and took her to the sink.

"I'm fine, it will be fine after a while." Mu Hanxi gently rubbed Mo Zebei's eyebrows.

Abduction Of the Female Teacher's Best Friend - MTL (101-210)Where stories live. Discover now