Taking Kara and mon-el to the Fortress of Solitude

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Clark had decided to take Kara and Mon-el to the Fortress of Solitude. Kara and Mon-el where happy to go to the the Fortress of Solitude. Mon-el said"Father? Can we fly to the Fortress"? Clark said"Sure. Your Aunt Alex will be meeting us there". Lois said"Bye Baby girl,Bye Mikey. Love you Clark"! Clark said"Love you too"! Kara said"Bye Mommy"! Mon-el (Mike) said"Bye Mom"! Lois left to Work...  Clark said"Kara,Look what Uncle Winn made for you My little Supergirl".

Kara said"My own Suit"?! Clark said"Yes Sweetheart

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Kara said"My own Suit"?! Clark said"Yes Sweetheart. I believe your ready to learn how to be a Hero. Mon-el I made yours,Here". Mon-el said"Awesome! Thanks Dad"! Clark said"Go change you two,I'll wait". Kara and Mon-el ran off to change into their Suits. Clark said"Let's go Kids". At the Fortress of Solitude... Kara was flying around and said"Grandpa and Grandma from Krypton". Clark had modified the file on Kara and Mon-el. Clark that's your Grandpa Jor-el and Grandma Lara". Kara said"Daddy is there any Record on Daxom"? Clark said"Yeah there is. Mon-el was the Prince". Kara said"I know". Clark said"Kara,Aunt Alex is here. Go see her". Kara flew to Alex. Alex said"Hey Kiddo"! Kara said"Come meet my brother". Alex said"Ok". Kara said"Mon-el"! Mon-el ran over to his sister. Alex said"Hi Mon-el I'm your Aunt Alex". Mon-el said"Hello Aunt Alex,Father speaks highly of you". Alex said"How do you like your new Planet"? Mon-el said"It's cool,I have Powers but not the same as my Baby sisters". Kara said"But your Powers are Special Ellie". Mon-el said"I know Zor-ella". Clark said"Their Nicknames are so Cute. Right Lexie"? Alex said"Shut up C". Kara said"Aunt Alex do you like mine and Ellie's new suits"? Alex said"Yes,they're very cool". Later at Home...  Kara and Mon-el where playing with their toys. Clark said"So did you two like seeing the Fortress"? Kara said"It's just as I imagined it Dad,A piece of our home on Earth". Mon-el said"Zor-Ella's right,A piece of home on earth". Lois said"Hey,I'm Back"!! Kara said"Mommy! Guess what"?! Lois said"What Baby girl"? Kara said"Daddy took me and Ellie to the Fortress of Solitude and we got new Suits". Lois said"That's Awesome baby girl. Did you and Mon-el have Fun Baby girl"? Kara said"Uh huh". Suddenly there was a crash,Clark said"Kara!Mon-el,Lois"!! Mon-el flew outside with Lois holding his hand,Clark was already in the air. Clark said"Kara! Kara where are you"?! Kara said"D-Daddy! M-Mommy,E-Ellie"!! Mon-el had set Lois on the ground and picked up his sister. Lois said"Take her to the DEO and tell your Aunt Alex what happened. Go"!! Mon-el flew to the DEO and said"Aunt Alex,Help"!! Alex said"Give her to me. What happened"? Mon-el said"We where attacked at home and Kryptonite hurt her. Pls Aunt Alex Help her"!!! Alex laid her down on a Bed in the medical room. Alex said"Mon-el can you go see Uncle J'onn". Mon-el said"I wanna stay with Zor-ella,She needs me. Pls Auntie Alex"! Alex said"Ok,You can stay but make sure not to Disturb her. Ok"? Mon-el nodded and said"Don't worry Zor-ella,I'm here". Alex had gotten the Kryptonite out and turned on a Yellow sun light. Alex said"I called your father to come get you and take you room". Mon-el said"What about Kara? She needs to come home too". Alex said"She was exposed to alot of Kryptonite,she needs to Stay here with me. Ok"? Clark and Lois arrived at the DEO.  Clark said"Mon-el Let's go". Mon-el kissed Kara's head and said"Get better Zor-ella,I love Baby Sis". Clark and Lois took Mon-el home. Alex stayed with Kara at the DEO as her niece healed. 

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