girl meets home for the holidays

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The three girls have become close during the past days, it was fun for Aurora, normally her friends where shared with her brother, her and Dylan aren't the same age, but he had lost a year along with Lucas and ever since then she had friends, years prior it was difficult for her to even utter a word to her classmates, well except for her best friend, god, she missed him.

Maya and Aurora were outside waiting for someone to talk thru the speaker "Shawn!" they heard Mr. Matthews talk thru the speaker "Maya! and Rory!"


"a what's the matter, your boyfriends not here yet?" they could hear Aurora's laugh come thru the speaker, although she had a confused face, she had never heard the name of Shawn.

"he's not my boyfriend!"

• • • • • • •

as Maya and Aurora opened the door, Maya was the first one to talk "I don't even think he exists" Maya said making Aurora laugh.

"he's real Maya, I've known the guy my whole life and he's real." Mr. Matthews tried to convince the blonde.

"you're fun to play with" Aurora murmured under her breath as Maya explained about her present to Riley.

"So, what's the deal on the mysterious uncle Shawn?" Maya asked making Aurora intrigued.

"I don't see him a lot, I don't think he likes me" Aurora just became more intrigued.

"isn't this going to be a nice holiday" she murmured for herself under her breath.

"Riley" Mr. Matthews looked at her incredulously.

"How can someone not like you?" Maya asked making Aurora nod her head in agreement, it was not unusual that people didn't like other people, she knew better than that, but it seemed almost impossible that someone who claimed to be her father's best friends didn't like her.

"Ask him and let me know" Riley shrugged.

the buzzer rang again "Shawn?!"

"No, it's your parents."

"Rats!" Mr. Matthews cursed.

Aurora had disassociated from the conversation her brother was supposed to come on the holidays, but it went wrong and she was getting worried she had not received a text message or call, she put down her phone down when she saw a pot fly thru the room.

"She tried to hurt you Shawn" Mr. Matthews said in a baby voice talking to the ornament making Aurora scoot further from her teacher.

• • • • • • • • •

Auggie ran from across the room "grandpa! grandma!" as she sat on the bench of the kitchen.

"Maya! Riley! and the newcomer whom we do not know the name of" a person said as they entered the Matthews' home making her head turn.

"Aurora sir" she smiled at the older man "nice meeting you sir" she said before turning her head towards her phone preoccupied, she decided to turn her phone down and put attention to the people in front of her.

"Look at all these kids, it wasn't that long ago I had kids running around the house" Cory's father said as a new voice boomed thru the house.

"Yeah, it was just this morning wasn't its dad?" he said as Aurora turned to Maya.

"Boing!" Maya exclaimed.

"that's my uncle, Maya!" Riley explained.

"Sweet I would be your aunt" she smiled.

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