"Love Has No Color"

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This is a poem I wrote for fun. It talks about how you shouldn't discriminate against someone just because of the way their skin, race, or ethnicity is.


Many people think love has a
color. People of color with other
people of color. But this is untrue.

Love has no color.
It is not wrong for a person of color
to love a person that is white.
It is not wrong for a white person to
love a person of color.

Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and
colors. Do not discriminate against
people of color, neither should you
discriminate against whites.

Love does not have a language either.
Love is a language in itself. People
do not have to have a common language
to love one another because love is their
common ground.

Love has no color. Nor does it have a
language. Love is love. Love is it's own
language and love has it's own color.

Never say never.
Unless it is about the color of love.
Never say love has a color.

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