It's done.

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In that moment another scream was heard, but from behind Alec; where Aloysious had been standing. Everything happened in an instant even before it was  physically possible for things to be comprehended mundanely; there Aloysious was panting, screeching for his life. 

Alec was about to ignore Aloysious and run to Magnus when he saw Magnus pulling out the knife and he felt the surge of a powerful magic around him. The moment he looked towards Magnus he saw his eyes glowing orange; the color of ultimate power. 

Alec had to cover his eyes due to the intensity of the magic released from Magnus. It felt as if the surge of magic lasted forever before he could uncover his eyes. The Magnus standing in front of at this instant was the angriest Alec had ever seen him. Never in these years of being together had Alec seen such hatred or resentment for anyone in Magnus' eyes. 

Not thinking for a second more Alec rushed to take his Magnus in his arms. The moment Magnus felt his husband's arms around his guard crumpled and he sagged into Alec's embrace as tears started streaming from his eyes. Magnus had always wanted someone to call his own. He did make a lot connections and bonds that were greater than the real ones but still somewhere deep inside his heart he did yearn for it. 

When he heard of Aloysious, his brother, he thought that maybe, just maybe he'll have that bond too. He'll have a brother, but he was so wrong. His so called brother wanted to take love of his life away. How could someone stoop so low was beyond him. But, at least his Alec was safe. 

After Magnus' sobs subsided a little bit Alec looked back Aloysious had been standing, But all he could see was a withering body turning to ashes. When he looked back at Magnus, his husband had his signature sassy smirk on his face. And without the need of communication Alec understood, It's done. Aloysious is gone.

Though Alec had hundreds of questions but right now he just wanted to spend some time alone with his Magnus. But before he could say anything Catarina and Ragnor came out to join them outside. 

"When you said I should do whatever Aloysius asks me to I didn't think I'd have to plunge a knife into my beloved. " Alec sagged as he turned towards Ragnor.

"Well I didn't think he'd ask you to plunge the knife, I thought he'd do the honors himself." Ragnor chuckled in response drawing out a groan of response from Alec.

"But when did you two plan all this"

"Well, when Aloysius was chanting that spell I casted a spell on myself to understand the language he was using and I transferred all of it into one of the Catarina's spell book. I knew the moment she'll feel my magic in her spell books she'll come to find me."

"We came in as soon as you left from Magnus's and told him that Aloysius had asked for you as a payment to free him." Catarina continued "We knew Aloysius wouldn't just let Magnus be, he'll come back for him, we just didn't know he'll make you do it."

"Wait what!? You told him to do whatever Aloysius asked of him?" Magnus growled.

"Hey! I had the language, I knew we could defeat him together. So, when he was leaving I asked him to do whatever Aloysius asked of him, but in due time or else he would've suspected foul play." Ragnor retorted.

Before Magnus could come up with a reply Alec shut him with a kiss. He poured all the longing, desperation, happiness and love in it. Every movement was gentle just like Alec's love for his Magnus. With every caress Magnus could feel his heart bursting from the love he felt for Alec. Hells would freeze the day they'd lose an ounce of love for each other. Magnus felt his whole body explode with the feelings he felt towards this man. The need rupturing through every cell of his being. If he could just take Alec-

"Okay that's it! We have to inform Clave of all this that transpired." Ragnor announced rather loudly breaking their moment.

"And also the Michealsons." Alec said sighing at the interruption.

Magnus just glared at him. 

At night:

After exhausting 24 hours finally the husbands were tangled in their bed. The hum of nature was the only sound between them. Neither of them wanted to break the serenity of the moment.

After a while Alec asked:

"How did you do it? I mean how did you transfer your pain to him?"

"The language he was using was a very ancient language Azazel's hell used once. When they went on war with another realm of hell they used this spell to tie themselves together to an immortal creature who couldn't be killed by physical blows. That was how they won the battle. They could only do it because they shared the same blood, just like me and Aloysius."

"Oh, so you counted on him coming to kill you."

"Yeah, to be honest he and I both know there is absolutely no way that I'd let you go so easily *giggles*. So, what spell was Ragnor talking about?"

"Ah! You know how we decided not to think about the time when my mortality comes to bite my ass? Well it won't be problem now *awkward chuckle*."

"Alec! Please tell me you did not do what I think you did!?"

"There was nothing I could do besides doing what Aloysius wanted, Magnus."

"Alec, are you out of your MIND!!??"

"Why are you shouting?"

"Because you didn't even THINK about us, ABOUT ME!?"

"Why is so bad, Magnus?"

"Are you seriously asking that!? How do you think my life will be after this?"

"I thought you wanted to live forever with me."


"I am immortal now Magnus."

"You- You are immortal? How? Your angel blood? You still have runes."

"Aloysius found a way to make me immortal without having to give up my angel blood. We think it worked."

"Are you- You mean- We'd have our forever?"

"Yes, my love."

"I- How- I'm so happy Alec." Magnus said slumping in relief against Alec.

"I know my love, me too." Alec said drawing Magnus close to him.

That night was filled with grief, relief and happiness. So many conflicting emotions were dwelling but they knew that together they will get through everything. No matter what the life threw at them, they'd overcome it together. Now, they had an eternity with each other. This world had become a better place for them because their love was strong. The truth of their love lived on over the deceit of Aloysius's hate.



Hello Loves,

This is a wrap up. 

I am extremely sorry if you think the end wasn't fitting or fast paced.

This story did follow the plot I originally made for it, but somehow I think that I couldn't formulate and develop the end of the story up-to the expectations.

This story might end up getting edited but I don't see that happening in near future.

I apologize sincerely.

I hope to see you all again.



ABANDONED (MALEC AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon