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He was pissed. No, that's an understatement. He was beyond furious.

These teachers! Do they just ask these kids to play in the park "without causing trouble"? What normal kid would do that? Maybe the other children, yes, but he was definitely NOT a normal child.

Perseus scowled and sat on the bench, not wanting to cause any more trouble. Last time, he had accidentally thrown the whole class down the shark aquarium. Desperate to save his friends, he almost showed his true colors by manipulating the waters. Thankfully, no one else saw him, but it was close. Not to mention the lecture that came afterward and the "you are expelled" lecture and expulsion letter the headmaster gave him.

It all didn't matter. But his mother's disapproving glare was the one that he couldn't bear.

Every year, he was kicked out, either from him being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or him having horrible luck... or just him being him.

Speaking of luck, a man in a trench coat stalked across the park in big, white strides. His mysterious face was obscured by a hood, but Perseus could just make out a faint whitish, murderous glint. 

He groaned at the sky.

Cyclopes are awful to kill since they are Poseidon's children. He did not want to offend Poseidon, but in a logical sense, he wasn't supposed to know he was a demigod yet.

Deciding not to get into this business, he just changed seats. Problem solved.

Of course, the Cyclops changed course came for him. It's like they have some kind of internal demigod GPS tracker. Not good.

Perseus made a mental note to invent some kind of gadget to stifle demigod scent. He has to work on that, maybe with Metis—no, Athena. But for now... he's got a monster to kill.

As soon as he could see the whites of the monster's eyes, he shot out his hand and condensed the water vapor around him. As water formed on his arms, he hardened them, increasing the surface tension until it was as hard as metal, and shot it straight towards the Cyclops' heart. It bellowed in agony, realizing that its dinner was fighting back at him. Within a minute, the Cyclops was gone.

But then the cops came.

Sirens blared, and police officers surrounded Perseus in no time. They cannot bring themselves to believe this sweet, innocent young child had just killed a grown man, but no evidence suggested otherwise.

The murdered 'man' was gone, the only evidence of him being there were the witnesses that claimed Perseus had attacked it. But then the mortals suddenly blinked and changed their statement and claimed that Perseus never left his bench, and the 'terrorist' was trying to assault Perseus before suddenly being hauled off by some mysterious vigilante to be dealt with.

They claimed to have seen a red-suited hero named 'Flash' or something, and it was rare for him to be in New York. How strange.

Perseus's lips tugged at the sides.

How strange.

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