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Why didn't they report?

Leslie (Lawyer) : "Abused children do not think that I am living in an abusive household. They think "I am sad" "What did I do wrong?" " why are they treating me this way?" " I must have done something wrong." They don't know any other life. They don't know other parents don't do this to kids. They don't know they are in an abusive family. They don't know their father is controlling. All they know is this is life and I have to cope with it. At a certain developmental ages human organism simply needs to be recognized as a separate human being and for most of us it happens a whole lot younger than 18 but for Erik locked in this family it happens at 18 he can't handle it anymore and he has been dreaming of rescue for three years. He has coped with his incredibly sadistic and violent father. Not all child molesters are sadistic and violent."

——Adding more later? Lyle is coming soon——

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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