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Just gonna spit out random stuff 🥴

I know some of these things you probably don't want to read, but I am taking things from the documentary so you can learn more stuff that I uncovered myself from watching the episodes


His grandmother was an Olympic swimmer who won medals in the Panama Olympic, and his grandfather was a national soccer star.
"They were this power couple in Cuba, and they had this terrific sort of fairy tale life."

His father had no emotion.
"He was radically determined person, and he had this almost, almost a delusional self-confidence." - Erik

His dad cheated on Kitty (Mary) multiple times with many women

His mom became suicidal and had dependence on alcohol

One way his mom punished him was by locking Erik in her closet for at least an hour or sometimes a day. He would eat and drink in there, go to the bathroom in a Tupperware so he would hide food and water in there

Erik would have many dreams of him dying/killing himself :(

With the money they received for inheritance, Lyle bought a Porsche, and Erik bought a Jeep. They bought 3 Rolex watches for the both of them.
"It's my brother's way of coping. It wasn't my way of coping. I didn't spend money, really, afterwards." - Erik

Lyle's miscellaneous expenses - 314,384.53
Erik's miscellaneous expenses - 9,392.71

When Erik first came to the arraignments, he was so nervous that Leslie made a joke, so that made him smile, and that's why you see him smiling all the time, and he used this as a defense mechanism

Erik wasn't allowed to cry, express pain and when he did he would get shamed and get hit. There would be pain training. He would get thrown off the boat as a young boy (10,11 years old) when he could hardly swim
His father would tow back to shore and said "You are on your own."

Erik: "One of the things my dad would do, he would show us the pressure points, and he would have Lyle do the pressure points on me, and it would hurt. And he would have Lyle continually do it. Even though I was in pain, I wouldn't be able to vocalize the pain. One time, he thought while I was holding back on me. He told Lyle "Harder, harder" and Lyle whispered, "I am sorry." And I screamed out. Lyle stood up and balled his fists and said to dad, "No." Dad smacked him across the face, and then he said something to this day has always resonated with me. He said, "I didn't raise you to get weak because you feel another person's pain."
Documentary - The Menendez Murders: Erik tells All

He was trapped in the shower with hot and cold water

Erik liked it in jail. He said that for the first time in his like he wasn't afraid that anybody was going to beat him up or rape him 🥺

The former tennis coach said Erik and Lyle were humble and never bragged

When coming to a verdict, 11 or of 12 jurors wanted the death penalty for Lyle and they wanted life in prison for Erik

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