Chapter 3

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3rd person's POV
But Marcy had woken up and overheard Sprig and Anne's conversation.

"Oh, really? What's her name then?" Sprig asked, still not believing her.

The room filled with silence.

Marcy let her thoughts run wild.

She has a girlfriend? Who is she? Why haven't I met her? Wait... Is it Sasha?!

Marcy was brought out of her thoughts by Anne speaking up.

"It doesn't matter because me and her are technically not dating." Anne said.

"Okay, fine, I don't need to know her name, but can you at least describe her to me?" Sprig asked.

Anne sighed before nodding.

"Fine." She said.

It went silent again before Sprig spoke up.


"Oh, right." Anne said.

She took a small breath out before going silent again.

"Never mind."

"What? What do you mean?!" Sprig asked.

"I changed my mind." Anne said.

Sprig sighed before saying. "Whatever."

He stood up and said. "I'm gonna go annoy Polly, wanna come with?"

"Nah, I'm good." Anne said.

Sprig shrugged before saying. "Alright, suit yourself."

He walked out of the kitchen and left Anne alone.

Anne sat there for a second before getting up.

She headed towards the living room and Marcy quickly pretended to be asleep.

Anne sat down next to her with a smile on her face.

"Love you Mar-Mar." Anne muttered, and Marcy barely heard it.

But they both knew Anne didn't mean it romantically, and that's what hurt Marcy.

To be continued...

We were never 'just friends' (Marcanne)Where stories live. Discover now