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After breakfast was over and Alicia along with Jina's father cleaned up, getting ready to do his work at home, the children went to play outside with Vaati. He was placed on the ground and the children circled around him.
"Can you fly?" Blue asked him, with excited eyes.
"No, I am not a bird."
"Can you swim!?" Jina wanted to know.
"No, I am not a fish."
"Can you dig holes?" Violet asked next.
"I am not a dog, either." Vaati was concerned by these questions.
"What are you?" Red was wondering all this time.
"I'm, uh. Ummmmm..."
Vaati didnt want to think about who he was again. He decided to lie.
"I would say I'm a special mouse."
"Ewww," Jina scrunched her face in disgust, but asked, "so you're a rat?"
"He's a rat?! Ewww!" The boys laughed in unison.
Vaati became embarrassed.
"I am not a rat!"
"You're a baby rat! So cute!" Red teased him.
Vaati crossed his arms in anger and walked towards the house.
Jina caught him and picked him up. "Where are you going?"
Vaati kept his arms crossed and looked away from her.
"I want to go inside. Take me there, please."
"Aw, baby rat, do you not wanna play with us?" Green walked up to Jina's hand to speak to Vaati better.
"I want to go inside. Am I not allowed?"
"But it's better to play outside. And besides, daddy doesn't want us inside the house while he's working."
"Working? What does he do?" Vaati was interested.
Jina smiled, happy that she was able to brag about her father's work.
"Daddy makes shiny jewelry for poeple! And he makes a lot a lot a lot of money!"
Blue joined in on the explaination, "Jiji and her pa are super super super rich!! People from all over Hyrule and even the King buy jewelry from him!"
"My daddy is soooo great and sooo talented at making necklaces, and bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tiaras, and everything!"
Vaati was really into it now.
"Can I see the stuff he makes?" He asked her.
"Yeah! Daddy won't mind! As long as we don't touch anything. He says if I touch something then I'll never get a pretty tiara ever. That almost happened to me one time, I was so mad!"

"We forgot something in my room!" Jina exclaimed as she and the boys entered the house.
They all entered her room while Vaati was directed to sneak into her father's private quarters, where he had on his desk many of his almost-finished pieces. After he confirmed it was clear, he went back and informed the kids they were able to enter. They all made sure to be as quiet as possible.
"Red, you should stay outside of the room and tell us when someone is coming."
"Aw but I wanted to see what your pa made!" Red crossed his arms and pouted.
"If we get caught, I'll never get my tiara! And if I never get my tiara, then I'll never be your friend ever again!!" Jina jabbed her finger into Red's chest, to enhance her threat toward him.
He wanted to retaliate in anger, but he felt it was pointless. He decided to stand outside of the room.
Violet was about to close the door, but stood for several seconds staring at Red. He felt bad.
"Red, if you hear anyone coming, knock on the door, okay?"
He hugged Red and closed the door. He hoped he would take the hint that he'd need to make up a plan from there.

"Wow.. it's all so pretty.."
Vaati was placed on top of Jina's father's desk, admiring all of the jewelry he made. Sparkly necklaces, clothing accessories, and rings. There was a box of jewels on the side, separated by cut and uncut. A set of tools for placing them into the finished pieces, and a fancy standing magnifying glass. An open notebook was in the middle, with sketches and written ideas of future jewelry he would make.
Jina squealed in excitement when she looked up at a shelf above the desk. It was a tiny golden tiara, encased in a glass box. The tiara was complex in design. Half of it was embedded with many jewels.
"Ooh!! This must be my tiara! It looks so pretty!! I wanna wear it so badly..."
Blue grabbed Jina's shoulders. "Don't touch it, jiji! It's not worth it!"
She stared at Blue with menacing eyes. It creeped him out. She started speaking to him in a slow, deep voice.
"I want to put it on."
"Jina, what do these words mean on this ring?" Vaati, aware of what was happening, interrupted her greedy desires and questioned her about a ring he found intriguing.
She immediately reverted to a normal state and walked over to her father's desk and sat in his chair. Vaati pointed to the ring and Jina picked it up and tried to read the markings on the inside.
It was a silver band, made to hold a jewel. And the jewel embedded in it was of clear amber. But the ring's inside was illegible. At least, to her. It was written in some kind of language she didn't understand. She became visibly confused.
"I'm sorry, I can't read this. I don't know what it says."
Vaati sighed. "That's okay."
A knock was heard on the door.
Everyone gasped in unison and went towards the door to listen.
Red was whispering to them.
"I don't know who's footsteps they are. Don't leave."
Jina freaked out while Green placed his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.
"Quick, inside the closet!" Violet whispered to the boys and they all ushered inside, making sure to take Vaati with them (not that Alicia or Jina's father could see him, anyways). The boys stayed quiet as they listened for what was happening outside of the quarters. The voices were faint.
"What are you still doing inside, little one?"
It was Jina's father. The girl almost wanted to cry.
"Hello, sir. I was knocking on all of the doors." Red tried his best to seem innocent.
"Why is that?"
"I dunno."
"Well, do you want to see what's in the other side of this door?"
Red became desperate.
"I-I need to go to the bathroom!"
"Ah, you should have mentioned that earlier! Let me show you where it is."

The Links all sighed.
"That was so close..." Green said quietly as he opened the closet door.
Jina was quiet, shaking all over in nervousness. Blue held her hand.
"Jiji? It's okay."
She didn't want to speak.
Vaati was in Green's hand.
"Take me back to the ring. I want to see it again."
Green took Vaati back to the desk.
"It really is nice-looking. Heheh, and it's big enough to go on your head."
Vaati smiled. He stood haughtily towards Green and asked,
"Can you put it on my head?"
"Yes! I think it would make a cool hat for you, or a crown."
Blue, Violet, and Jina all watched as Green placed the ring on Vaati's head. And all watched as the ring glowed brightly, reacting to direct contact with him. And all were afraid to see what happened next.
Vaati, enveloped in a magical aura, was raised into the air and squirmed as a sharp pain shoot through his entire body. He felt his body deform, growing and stretching. He was so scared, he couldn't make a sound.
And before he knew it was over, there he was, sitting and hunched over on the floor. When he realized he was okay, he looked around. The Links and Jina were backed up against the wall, terrified. But why?
"What happened?!"
His voice sounded different. It was louder. It was deeper. Although slightly. His face felt funny when he spoke. He brought up his hands to feel his face, but when he saw them, he screamed. He looked down, and screamed even more. He was human sized! And not only that, but naked, too. He tried to cover his body with his arms but he knew it was too late, the children already saw too much.
Jina's father bursted into the room, with Red behind him as he had a firm grip on his hand. Jina's father was seething.
"Who in Hylia's green earth is this?! And why are all of you in my private quarters?!"
Everyone was silent. Except for Jina, who was sobbing.
"Everyone out!!"
Jina was the first to run out and headed for her bedroom, bawling loudly. The Links all bolted out after her, feeling both Guilty and afraid.
"Who are you?" Jina's father, with a much less angrier voice, asked Vaati.
Vaati was too shaken to answer with a straight voice.
"I'm... I don't know, myself, sir..."
Jina's father went and grabbed a pair of pants from his closet and shoved them at Vaati.
"Leave my house."

Vaati, feeling embarrassed and ashamed, ran out of Jina's home, knowing he may never see his new friends again. And in pain from the ring hugging his right ring finger. He was more confused about himself than ever.

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