"How do you know I'll be a great father?" I propped myself up on my desk with my elbows.

"Because of Lance. You wouldn't be freaking out like this if you weren't going to be a great father. Just remember there is no such thing as a perfect parent; you'll learn as you go. Focus on progress, not perfection." He gave me a weary smile, but you could tell he was a little less stressed.

Mila's POV:

The kids and I had just arrived home at the same time my mom did. We all did our after-work and after-school routine. I sat at the table with the kids and was scheduling clients. Every Time I got to the point where I would send the new address, I got so excited. I wanted to squeal out loud, but I refrained from causing a scene.

Emma had finally got home around 6:oo pm, which was perfect timing. The food my mom cooked would be ready soon, and If I know anything about Chloe and them, they'll definitely be here early. Speaking of Chloe and them, the doorbell went off. I shook my head while walking over to the door. They are basically family; I don't know why they don't just walk in.

"Hey there! I'm glad you are all here for dinner." I hugged everyone; the last hug I gave was to Chloe. Jazmine hurriedly ran upstairs to find her cousins.

"Wow, Chloe, you are glowing." She looked at me with a nervous smile. I wonder why?

"Thank you. Let's go into the kitchen so that I can put the dessert up." With that, we all went to the kitchen. When my mom looked at Chloe, she gave her this look. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it meant, though. It seemed like they both were aware of something I didn't like. I wasn't in on an inside joke.

"Dinner is ready Mija, go get everyone else." So I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and hollered up to the kids and Emma that dinner was ready.

Dinner went really well. The conversation was light for the first time in a while, and the atmosphere was wholesome. My mom's food had many compliments, and sometimes I wish I wasn't a vampire, just for a day so that I could enjoy my mom's cooking again. Chloe, as always, had made delicious desserts. She made a cheesecake this time and a coconut cream pie. Safe to say, the children were in heaven.

"So I have some news." Chloe looked over to Julian, who took her hand with a smile. Then she looked over to Jazmine, and I noticed that she was smiling too. "Well, more like we have some news." We all had our attention on her now. Even the twins put down their forks and stopped eating their pie.

"We are having a baby." I noticed we were all smiling.

"I knew it." My mom spoke up and gave Chloe a knowing look. "I'd recognize the glow of pregnancy anywhere." So that's what the look meant my mom was giving Chloe earlier.

"Wait! You're pregnant too?" Emma exclaimed out of nowhere. "Why is everyone pregnant all of a sudden?" She said this more to herself than the rest of us.

"Are you pregnant too?" She turned to me with a joking tone, but I could also tell she was being a little serious.

"Definitely not. Two is enough. Who else is pregnant?" I was very intrigued to know.

"Oh, are you talking about Elisia?" Chloe made her way into the conversation.

"Wait, you knew?" She shook her head at Emma.

"Of course I do. My mom was the one that helped them." She said in a duh tone.

"I never thought they would ever have kids." Emma pointed her hands at me.

"Right! Safe to say, I was stunned when Lance told me." I hummed in agreement. That is shocking news.

"Anyways, we are excited but a little nervous too." Julian looked over to Emma. "Have there been any pregnant women that have died from the virus?" The smile on Emma's face fell.

"I'm sorry to say this, but unfortunately, there has been. The virus doesn't discriminate or show mercy, and no one is really safe." You could see the worry etched into both Chloe's and Jullina's faces.

"Is there any progress at all to finding some type of cure?" Emma sighed out. The look on her face said it all.

"They have some leads, but nothing concrete. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I'm sorry to both of you. Hopefully, we find it soon so we can eradicate this virus." The table fell quiet for a little bit.

"We'll just have to stay optimistic. You'll let us know if there is any progress, right?" Emma said she would, and with that, we all went back to our dessert. It took a little bit, but we were soon back into light conversations.

Chloe, Julian, and Jazmine had just made their way out the door. Emma, the twins, and I followed them out and watched them get into their car. We waved at them as they pulled out of the driveway and made their way home. I hope they stay safe and don't get sick. I don't know what we would do if anything happened to them and their babies.

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