Part two

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The hug may have only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like eternity. My heart ached for what he's been through. How could I not have known? Why did I have to be so mean to him? I know my anger was justified but now that I know the truth, I feel so horrible for yelling at him. When we finally let go he said,
"You wanna go make food and watch a movie or something? And we can uh..catch up things, I know it's been a can totally say no.."
I was confused and upset and I wanted to kill nicole and I wanted him to go to the cops so badly. But I knew he would never do that, atleast not anytime soon. And I also knew that he needed me right now, and he had nobody else, so I stayed. I insisted on cleaning up his wounds before we did anything else. He flinched at every touch but I knew it would be worse later on if I didn't atleast try to clean it. We looked in his kitchen for food but to no surprise found nothing to make.
"You wanna order a pizza ?"
"You know the answer to that question."
"Pepperoni bacon extra cheese and sprite?"
He went out on the back patio to call. It was nice to be here again, I missed it. It definitely felt strange, but a good type of strange. When he came back in we looked through Netflix and decided on a movie. I couldn't focus on anything happening though. My mind was running in circles. The pizza came pretty quickly but despite us both taking a plate, neither of us touched any of it. Eating was the last thing on my mind. I finally decided to break the silence.
"What happened today..? What made you finally throw her out...?"
"She said...horrible things..."
"What did she say??"
"That I deserved to lose my parents...That she hopes you..end up just like them..she was so horrible Al."
"I'm so sorry...I- I don't know what to say to all this..."
"No, I'm sorry. I should've had the balls to do it sooner and I should have never shut you out and treated you so badly. I was a dick and you deserve so much better than that. When she said that about you... I just finally lost it."
"How did you get her to leave..?"
"I told her that I was done. That I had nothing more to live for at that point and if she didn't get out and leave me alone I was going to kill myself...I'm not proud of the way I had to handle it also kind of wasn't a lie..."
"I'm so sorry Car. You didn't deserve that...any of it. You're safe now though. You're okay and you're safe and you never have to see her again."
"But what if she comes back..?"
"She might, but I'll be here with you. She is NOT gonna hurt you anymore. I won't let it happen."
"I missed you so much Al."
"I missed you more."
"So, you wanna restart that movie we didn't pay attention to?"
"Sure, why not."
We sat on the couch like we normally would, except this time we were much closer. He pulled me in a bit more so he could put his arms around me. I hesitated a bit but, it's not like we'd never cuddled before, he probably just needed the comfort. We ended up falling asleep like that and when I woke up in the morning he was spooning me.
"Wake up car-car, I gotta pee."
He groaned and rolled over, releasing me from his arms. I walked up the stairs to his bathroom but stopped when I noticed broken glass, all over the floor. The mirror had been smashed, as well as all the glass bottles in his bedroom. The place was a complete mess. I started to pick up the bigger glass shards when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You know you don't have to do that."
"Well it's kind of the least I can do, considering everything."
"Let's just go make breakfast and worry about it later."
I already knew all he had for "breakfast" was cereal with no milk, or toast with no butter.
"Why don't we go over to my house, we can make bacon and eggs."
"I like this plan."
After walking over to my place I started cooking while carter laid on the couch petting my cat willow. She didn't like many people other than me but for some reason she was a suck for him. Once the food was ready I brought it over to the table in front of them.
"Thanks Al..I'm not very hungry though.."
"But you suggested breakfast??"
"I know but..I'm sorry..I just kinda lost my appetite.."
"It's okay Car."
"Can we go do something fun? Something to take our minds off everything..? Or atleast my mind.."
"Of course we can. What do you have in mind?"
"...Palm Meadow fields?"
"Hell yeah."
Palm meadow was our safe place. Whenever things got rough or we felt like giving up, we would always Go lay in the field and count the stars or make out shapes in the clouds, talking about everything going on and reminding each other that we're strong.
"You gonna drive?"
"Well I would..but Nicole kinda took my car.."
In the midst of the whole fight I witnessed I didn't even realize that the car she drove off in was his. How could I not have noticed??
"I uh..I can drive."
"She really fucked me over Al."
"I know Car..I'm really sorry."
"It's not your fault.."
I could see the sadness in his eyes. I hated to see him so destroyed. She really had to go as far as stealing his car too?? I swear if I ever get my hands on her...but that's not important right now. What's important is making sure he's okay, which he clearly isn't at the moment.
"Let's go."
The drive was long, which we usually liked because we could listen to music and enjoy the breeze. But this time it was silent, windows closed. The only sounds came from the vehicle itself and those around it. I thought about turning on the radio, but I didn't wanna upset him or make it more awkward. When we finally got there we walked over to the spot we always go to. It wasn't as pretty here in the day as it was at night, but still just as relaxing. I hadn't been here in months, the grass was overgrown and in serious need of some work, but nonetheless nothing felt better than laying in that spot, with him. We discovered this spot on a road trip with carters parents. After they passed, we started coming here often, remembering sitting there with his family. When my mom passed, my dad was suddenly always so busy with "work" and would be gone for such long periods of time that Carters parents kind of felt like they were mine too..

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