Pool Party (Marcy x Fem!reader)

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Requested by: gayformarcy
I'm was doing this because I was bored but then I got request for a Marcy x Fem!reader so, I guess this is that now.

Requested by: gayformarcy I'm was doing this because I was bored but then I got request for a Marcy x Fem!reader so, I guess this is that now

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was hanging out with Anne at Sasha's pool party. We've been talking about school and stuff like that. "So (Y/n), have you asked Marcy out yet?" Anne asks me nudging me. I shake my head, "No not yet, I just don't have the guts to do it." She nods trying not to pressure me into doing it. I've had a crush on Marcy for a while now. My crush on her started around grade 5 when she helped me with my Science project.


"Ugh this project it killing me!" I yell as I sit down next to my friends. It was lunch time and my class was assigned a Science project that was due in 3 days, "I don't even know what I'm gonna make it about!" I angrily take a bite of my sandwich. Sasha and Anne look at each other worriedly.

"I can help you with it if you want me too!" Marcy exclaims smiling widely. I nod my head now happy that someone that has almost straight A's is going to help me, "Yes please help me Marcy. You're smart and I'm dumb if I get an A on this it would be amazing." She nods pulling out her gaming console, "Lets meet up in the Library after school, it's usually quiet there." I nod going back to eating. Me, Anne, and Sasha just talk for the rest of lunch while Marcy plays her video games.

-Time skip to after school brought to you by Marcy falling into a trash can-

I sit at a table in the library putting down my laptop, books, and backpack. I smile seeing Marcy take a seat next to me. "So do you know what you want to do yet?" I shake my head telling her no. She nods, "Okay, well I had some ideas," Marcy opens up my laptop and starts listing some of her ideas, "You can do it about How Atoms Works, How Animals Evolved, How Gravity Works." I just listened as she kept listing more and more ideas. You know what, she's kinda cute when she's rambling. Wait WHAT?! I feel my face heating up as I look at my laptop so she can't see it. I can't have a crush on my best friend! Or can I? I start staring at Marcy in deep thought of if I can or can't have a crush on her.

"-n)? (Y/n)!" I'm snapped out of thought when I hear Marcy yelling my name, "Are you okay? You were staring at something." I start blushing even more looking away, "Y-yeah I just thought of a really good idea for the project." She nods again asking if I need help with typing about it, "NO! I-I mean no, I think I can do the research part alone." I watch as Marcy says okay and stands up. She says goodbye walking away. I frown pulling out my phone to text Anne, "I think I'm falling in love with Marcy."

-End of Flashback-

"How did you even 'fall in love' with her?" Anne asks seeing that it doesn't make sense how her listing stuff made me like her. "I honestly don't know." I feel her nudge me pointing to the direction of Marcy. "You should go talk to her!" She starts pushing me towards my crush. I feel the heat growing on my face the closer we got. "Heyyy Mar-mar!" I speak up seeing that I was now in front of her.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)!" She looks behind me seeing Anne, "Hey Anne!" Anne waves before walking off to find Sasha. I scan Marcy's body (not in a weird way) and see she has her bathing suit underneath her hoodie. "So, (Y/n), I like your bathing suit." I look down just remembering I was wearing my (F/c) bathing suit.

"Oh, haha I forgot I was wearing this!" I laugh hearing Marcy start to laugh too. Once we calm down I feel her nudging my arm, "You coming?" She starts walking to the pool pulling off her hoodie. I can't help but stare seeing her pastel green bathing suit that fit her figure almost perfectly. I feel my blush raising to my ears, "Y-yeah I'm coming." I slowly walk over to the edge of the pool. I look around to find Marcy but I don't see her. I let out a gasp as I get pulled into the water. When I swim up I see Marcy laughing, "HAHAHA- YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!" I let out an embarrassed laugh blushing again. I go underwater and pull her down as revenge. I hear a muffled gasp as I watch her go down (yes your eyes are open underwater). I swim up again laughing. I see Marcy swim up a bit angry, "How dare you pull me down!" Marcy pouts. I grab the side of the pool and pat her head. I look at her curious seeing her smirk at me. "Revenge!" I hear Marcy yell as she pulls me underwater. We start play fight underwater not caring if we were splashing people.

Once we stopped we just kept laughing as if no one else was here. No one really was paying attention anyways, most of them were drinking or making out. We stopped laughing but just kept smiling at each other. What I didn't know was that Sasha and Anne were watching us interact. I looked at Marcy blushing, the moonlight reflecting off her made her look like a goddess. "Are you feeling okay?" Marcy asks looking at me concerned, "You're really red right now. Is it the water? We can get out if you want." I feel my blush getting bigger. I quickly cover my face, "N-no I'm fine just a bit tired from moving so much."

Marcy grabs my hands moving them down looking directly at me. "Are you sure?" She asks. I couldn't help but stare at her. I watch her expression soften. "Forgive me Marcy." I mumble just loud enough for her to hear. "For wha-." I cut her off by kissing her. I don't feel her kiss back so I quickly move back apologizing, "S-sorry I don't know what came over me-." My eyes widen feeling her lips against mine. I kiss back blushing again.

Marcy pulls back smiling with blush covering her whole face. "No need to apologize," She gets out of the pool helping me up, "I liked it." We both stand up blushing at each other before hearing someone running towards us.

"Haha! (Y/n) I can't believe you actually did that!" Anne yells pulling Sasha with her. I look at at their hands seeing them holding each other. I laugh trying to get rid of my blush, "Well when are you and Sasha gonna kiss?" Marcy starts laughing with me as I see their faces start turning a deep red. "Shut up (Y/n)." Sasha pulls her hand out of Anne's crossing her arms. "So are you two dating?" Anne asks us.

I look at Marcy thinking, "Marcy, will you be nice enough to go out with me?" I see Marcy's smile grow wider as she starts intensely nodding. I hear Anne and Sasha clap before pushing the two of us back into the pool.


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Woah was this posted almost instantly? Yes. I kinda gave up on the last bit so don't mind the fact that it's bad. Ngl I've been waiting for someone to request this so yay. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night!


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