16 - Foreign Tears: Tavlen

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Tavlen watched her go. He listened to her barefeet trod down the stairs, the clink of her anklets and rings almost familiar now.

He let out a pent up breath and rubbed a hand over his face.

He thought, 'I should leave.'

But he could still hear her.

He closed his eyes and the stillness of lapping water from the roof's pools and the cackle of early morning birds washed away with the rush of blood in his ears.

He could hear her slide the door shut to her room and throw a blanket over the moonfish bowl. He could hear, or maybe feel, her lower herself onto her bed, her hands loosening her hair and it tumbling down her side, still a tangled mess.

Then, fell her first tear. And her second.

Tavlen was too alarmed to react at first.

Then she cursed his dragon blood, smeared the tears off her face and buried her head in her pillow.

Tavlen cringed back to the rooftop.

He opened his eyes and the smells and sounds of dawn reawakened. It took him a moment to disentangle himself from that room three flights below. For a panicked moment, Tavlen wondered if ignoring a cinder was possible or even wise.

He backed away from the door in three, slow steps, remembering Fent's panic when they'd convened for a plan; remembering the two letters stuffed under his desk—the Threshing's hope, Veritrith's greed. He remembered the cool comfort of Ilina's smile, then the crush of her absence.

And he told himself he'd never have to be this close to her ever, ever again.



Ah, Tavlen. If only there was no Mistress Author Queen behind your fate. It might have all worked out.


The rest has been temporarily taken down for querying! Hope it will be out again soon. <33
Thanks for understanding. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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