twenty-two | senior year round two

Start from the beginning

"Why wouldn't you get into Duke?" Ej asked confusedly, looking up from the book he was reading on her bed. She turned in her desk chair to look at him and shrugged her shoulders.

"You never know, Ej. I'm just trying to be safe, giving myself some places to fall back on," she assured him.

"Lucy, as much as I would love for us to go to the same college, we can still make us work even if we're going to separate schools," he told her, sitting up on her bed. "I mean, Duke is my destiny, but that doesn't mean it has to be yours."

Lucy smiled and nodded her head at him, "I know, trust me, but it is still a good school. I would be honored to go there."

Ej tilted his head and looked at her pointedly, "But is it your dream school, babe?"

Lucy pursed her lips and turned back around, looking down at her list with a small frown on her face. Her eyes fell on New York University. She loved performing and she wanted to pursue it as a career, she just always wondered if she was actually good enough to do so. It never seemed plausible for her.

"Lu," Ej said again, she looked over at him and he tilted his head at her. "Which school do you actually want to go to? What do you want to do?"

"NYU," she finally admitted.

Ej smiled at her and nodded his head understandingly, "Have you filled out your application then? Because if not we're doing it now."

"I haven't filled out my application," she shook her head at him.

"Well, then we're doing it right now," Ej insisted, standing up from her bed and walking over to stand behind her at the desk.

Ej and Lucy spent the next half hour doing her application, and Ej had to physically guide Lucy's hand to the submit button when they finished.

"There, now we wait," Ej told her, smiling as he rubbed her shoulders gently. Lucy hummed in reply and the two of them stared at the computer screen silently for a second.

"I can't believe we're going into the second half of our Senior Year," Lucy sighed finally. "It doesn't feel real."

"It really doesn't, and whatever show Miss Jenn announces tonight is our last show at East High," Ej agreed. Lucy giggled at him.

"Yeah, whatever show she announces," Lucy nodded her head with a smile. All of them knew it was gonna be HSM2. Why wouldn't they after they already did the first one?

"Wait, what was that tone for? Do you know what the show is?" Ej asked confusedly. Lucy turned to look at him, her expression contorted into one of pure confusion. Did he... did he really not know?

[Lucy to camera:]

"I love him, but he's not the brightest at times."


"Howdy, howdy!" Lucy chirped as she slipped in through the back door in the kitchen of Adam and Ashlynn's house where Carlos and Ashlynn were setting up food.

"Mama Lucy!" Kourtney said excitedly as the older girl sat down a tub of cookies and gave Carlos a quick hug.

"I haven't seen you all break! Where's your man?" Carlos asked teasingly.

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