Black Rose - 32

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David Brewster Jr 💙🎤 

I suppose to perform today but I feel like i'm catching a cold but I don't know maybe I just needa sleep it off I was pose to go with ma and Kai to meet Gia and em but I stayed to sleep in. Its 3 right now and I don't have to perform until like 9 so I got time to sleep I hope I ain't sick because people already got cancelled on yesterday I don't wanna do the same thing today. I felt my phone vibrating and seen that I was getting a call from Ari 

"hey baby" she said smiling 

"yoo ma"  I said tryna sound like I ain't sick 

"unt unt whats wrong?" she asked can't get nothing pass her 

"I don't feel good but I don't wanna cancel the show so imma try and sleep it off" I said 

"I get you love your supporters but your health is more important" she said  

" I promise if I don't feel better by tonight I won't perform" I said 

"promise?" she said frowning 

"fix yo face ma, yes I promise" I said 

"okay I gotta get back to work I love you feel better" she said 

"I love you shawty" I said smiling before we hung up

I put my phone on the charger and was fast to sleep 

*3 hours later* 

"get up daddy" Kai said jumping on the bed 

"no, you don't tell me what to do" I said pulling the covers over my head 

"I telling gigi on you daddy" she said finna get off the bed 

"no no i'm up baby" I said sitting up 

"hahah you scared of gigi" she said laughing 

"be quiet" I said grabbing her "gimmie kiss stink" I said 

"daddy you breathe stank" she said giving me a kiss making me laugh 

"bye go get your grandma" I said putting her down and going in the bathroom then she ran off 

I used the bathroom and started bushing my teeth and washed my face I knew it was almost time for me to get ready 

"Dave do you have on clothes?" I heard my ma ask 

"yes come in" I said going to my suitcase to find me something to wear 

"no need to do that I got your clothes hanging up in the clothes along with your jewelry, how do you feel?" she asked sitting on the bed 

"better I think I just needed sleep" I said sitting beside her laying my head on her shoulder 

"no your stressed when you get back home you need to take break" she said 

"I will but its gotta be after I drop this album and I take a trip to LA a couple days after I get back" I said 

"you mad crazy yo lemme guess I got Kai" she said 

"yes mommy thank you" I said kissing her cheek

"thats my baby I got her and you but when you get back from LA your taking a break now get ready" she said kissing my forehead and walking out 

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