Chapter 8// To Each Their own

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I felt All Might put his hands on my shoulder "Now is not the time to doubt yourself Young Midoriya, you're just getting used to your new quirk, if you train hard enough, I'm sure you can catch up to them "


Kaminari POV

It was the next day I was nervous as hell, Today we will be going to the USJ

This has been on my mind for the whole week, but I know what's going to happen, I've gotten stronger I can help

An hour later I got to class, thankfully I was fast enough to avoid the media, everyone was at class and after a while, Mr. Aizawa came

Aizawa POV

I came inside the classroom, God those reporters were annoying, I stood in front of my desk and all eyes were on me

"Good job at the battle trial yesterday, I saw the VTR and your result"

"Bakugo you got potential so stop acting like a kid"

"Fine" he said with an eye roll

"Midoriya seems like it costs you another arm"

There isn't anything to brag about in this class, They all seem to use their quirk on an average level, Well...
Except him

I looked over at Kaminari, he's a natural-born hero, he has the power, the speed, the charisma, and the looks, and just like All might, always smiling, I can see him being in the top 5 as a future pro

But I can't have favorites

"It's a bit rushed but... "

Most of them looked worried, probably thinking it's another test

"Pick a class rep"

Third-person POV

Almost everyone had their hands raised all wanting to be class rep




"SILENCE" Iida shouted "This is a leadership position with huge responsibility, it is not a game, I believe we should vote"

After some mild arguments they ended up voting the only rule was that no one was allowed to vote for themselves, as Kaminari suggested

Kaminari POV

After 20 minutes we were done voting, and honestly, I was worried this was going to happen, the votes were on the board

Denki kaminari  16 Votes

Momo Yaoyorozu 2

Izuku Midoriya 1

Tenya Iida 1

The rest 0

Me and Yaoyorozu stood in front of the class

'looks like I'm gonna need to pull a Midoriya'

"Class rep is Kaminari and Vice Class rep is Yaoyorozu" Mr. Aizawa said while laying on the floor in his sleeping bag

"Looks like the majority of the class voted for you Kaminari" Asui exclaimed

"Yeah Kaminari would make a great class rep" said Kirishima

'I really don't'

"Yaoyorozu did well during feedback time too"

I looked over at Iida and saw that he had his head down looking a bit frustrated

'Don't worry Iida I won't rob you of your role'


I was at lunch sitting with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Jirou talking

In about 2 minutes an alarm would go off that'll course panic, but I didn't worry about it too much

Iida has it covered

Iida POV

I was talking with Midoriya and Uraraka when all of a sudden an alarm goes off telling us to evacuate, I asked the person beside me and they just said to leave as soon as possible

A crowd of students was in the hallway trying to get through

People were getting pushed and everyone was panicking

I went to the window to see who the intruder was, when I looked outside I saw a crowd of people holding cameras, microphones, and boom mics

It was the media, but how did they get in?

Doesn't matter the most important thing is that I stop this panic

"Hold on it's just the press" I tried to talk but everything was a mess

I looked over and saw that Uraraka was being dragged by the crowd

'Cmon Tenya think, What would my brother do in this situation? '

Then I looked back at Uraraka and tried to get closer to her, I reached my hand out to her and she looked confused "Make me float Uraraka"

She reached her hand out and she used her quirk on me, I turned on my engines and I started spinning forward crashing into the wall


Everyone looked at me and they all stopped moving "It's just the press, No need to panic, this is U.A High no need to panic, act like your the students of the best school"

After that, I looked at them everyone was now calm knowing there was never any trouble

Shortly after the cops arrived

Kaminari POV

'Good job Iida'

After all that commotion, we all went back to class

Me and Momo were standing in front of the class behind the teachers' desk

"All right let's start now class rep" said Momo

'Here goes noting'

"Actually before that, I have something to say"

"Huh" they all looked at me with curiosity

I looked at the class and said " I think Tenya Iida should be class rep"

I took a deep sigh before continuing my sentence "Well at the cafeteria when everyone was in a panic, he got a hold of the situation and reassured everyone I was already sure that Iida was the one meant for this position that's why I voted for him, " I said with a smile

"And after what just happened, I'm positive that Iida is the one suited for this position"

I looked over at Iida his expression was a mix of Shocked at happiness

He stood up and said "If the class rep said so, I shall take it, I Tenya Iida, promise to be a great class rep"

I'm just glad there were no exceptions to be honest 70% of what I said was what I truly think and the other 30% was just me not wanting to do the extra work

"Good job Iida-kun" I told him with a bright smile
Welp that was a hand full, I wanted to do a chapter some on the other characters as well, I hope you don't mind that

And also I will be starting online school on August 31 so wish me luck 😁

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin