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As if door knobs creasing against my body were somehow now my favourite activity, I felt the door swing open and into me. Knocking on my hip with gusto. I'd been dodging the milieu of people at class turnover but had neglected one certain obstruction.

A mirage produced by my body's own wanting careened the door away from aching hip, an apologetic gleam in his eye. A Vallis sparkle I knew I'd miss the moment it flickered away, subconsciously I fought to keep it there however I could.

And in a moment's recognition, the toothy shine vanished. In its place an apologetic shock of sorts, earning the bend of my elbows a new companion by way of Iggy's own hands. Momentarily comforting but almost immediately after, sending a zing to the base of my heart.

"I didn't hurt you did I, H?" Forgive-me may as well have been etched in his irises, as Iggy's hands sought to patch me up with his touch.

There he stood in a soft white tee, navy chinos that tapered at his ankle and a jumper in hand - no doubt protection from the icy blasts of AC that filled the lecture halls in an unrelenting manner. And outfit paired perfectly with his handsome.

I shook my head, dizzied not by the knock but by his proximity.  All woody scent and stunning eyes.  I shook my head in reply before answering, hopeful that wouldn't cause the hands to drop from my second favorite place for them to rest.

"No, just a light winding I'll be fine." Dropping my gaze as I spoke, as if Iggy had no effect over me. Huh, as if.

An eyebrow quirked high. "You sure? I wouldn't want it to bruise." Still earnest in tone as though he felt disastrously bad about the rogue swing of the opening. These law corridors had seen more of my pain and angst before, so I was in a shrug it off kind of mood. And for someone that had accidentally copped a golf club to the face before, I could take a little doorway mishap. The first and last summer I take up a job at the range. Would you believe totally unlike High Musical 2? Sadly so.

"Unfortunately for you, I bruise like a peach." I quipped, attempting to brush it off and move on to the library without further incident. I'd be lying if I said the encounter wasn't inducing all kinds of jitter in my throat as I looked down the now empty walkway.

"Shit H, I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you?" Iggy offered with apology once more, looking down at me still though his knees had taken a slight bend so it wasn't so straining - for both of us. His new easier to reach position an equally great view.

A finger brushing over the potentially purple-d spot tentatively. The very same spot Iggy's hand had gripped in my room just a few nights ago. And if this was the remedy, who was I to mediate otherwise?

"And what exactly does that entail?" All-but whispering in reply.

"I'll take that as a sure, lead the way, Ig."
Iggy beamed, pulling the loop of my jeans with a single digit to bring me in the direction desired.  A momentary chain before taking my hand in his and traipsing on down the hall.

"And where exactly are you taking me?" I enquired as the hallways became less familiar.

"Accomplice please." Swivelling his head back to face me and raising that eyebrow to his favourite place, arched high in question of me. I assumed it was his favourite based on the repeated usage and the smile that matched said quirk. It was devilishly handsome and adorable in equal measure.

"Ig, come on." I pleaded with wide-eyes and a pronounced pout, an act that saw his spin-tervals pause for a moment longer.

But before I could take that interest and use it to my advantage to understand where the hell we're headed, Iggy took pause at a fire escape doorway before tugging me into a concrete hallway.

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