106 - CHANBAEK : A Blessing in Disguise

Start from the beginning

"By the way... Thank you for meeting me and coming with me today. I didn't really expect you'd show up. Probably, you already forgot what happened to us. But to me, it was a special night. The most unforgettable happening in my life," Baekhyun says with a smile while looking at the school in front of them. "I know this isn't the right time to be showing up like this... So I'm sorry."

"Did we really do that, I mean-" Chanyeol thinks hard. "You said that we had sex? I'm sorry, I don't really remember. It was a long time ago."

Baekhyun laughs bitterly.

"Yeah, we did. And you got me preg-"


The Kindergarten door finally opens, little kids running out of the door energetically.

"What did you say?" Chanyeol isn't able to hear what Baekhyun said because it's too loud. Parents and kids are now meeting in front of the Kindergarten.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun looks like he was searching for something among the crowd.


Baekhyun's face lights up, spotting that cute tiny boy with wide bright eyes. His brown and curly hair really stands out, making him easier to find.

"Chahyun! I'm here!"

Baekhyun waves his arms.

"Appaaaa!" the child yells happily, running towards his father with his red backpack bouncing, "I miss you!"

Staring at the scene, Chanyeol stands there on the side. Wide eyed. Frozen. Completely shocked.

It's like he's seeing his younger self through this child.

He and this kid looks exactly the same when he was young.

Baekhyun carries his son, giving him a soft kiss, making the boy giggle while he hugs his father's neck.

"Who... is that man, Appa?" Chahyun whispers to Baekhyun, noticing a tall stranger all covered up with a mask and shades standing beside them, staring like a creep. He hides his face on Baekhyun's shoulder, "He's... creepy."

Baekhyun hesitantly looks at Chanyeol, smiling nervously.

"Uh, that man is..."


It's Chanyeol's phone which is ringing.

30 minutes has ended.

"Chahyunnie! Here are the crayons I borrowed!"

Chahyun's classmate calls him, so Baekhyun puts down his son for a while. Giving the creepy man a suspicious glance, the kid runs fast and meets his friend.

"I guess my time's up," Baekhyun says, feeling regretful that he hasn't even said anything.

He also has no idea what the man is thinking behind his disguise. Did Chanyeol find out already upon seeing the child? Did he figure out that he's his son?

"Thank you for giving me your time," Baekhyun bows as a goodbye. As he attempts to leave, his arm gets grabbed suddenly.

"Wait," Chanyeol says.

"Give me another hour--no," Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun closer, "Give me your one whole day."

Baekhyun is shocked, it's like his heart is racing wildly inside his chest, hearing Chanyeol say this to him. Is this really happening? He's so happy he could cry.

"Tell me everything I have to know, Baekhyun," Chanyeol continues, "And I will listen to you."

Baekhyun nods, happy tears falling on his cheeks while he laughs and cries at the same time.


Chanyeol wanders his eyes around the small yet cozy apartment Baekhyun has brought him to. So this is Baekyun's house. This space is just half of his bathroom at his mansion.

"I only have water."

"It's fine."

Baekhyun places on the table the mug with a cute bear design on it. Chanyeol refrains himself from smiling.

"Let's cut to the chase. After seeing that kid," Chanyeol starts, "Without saying another word, I could already tell that he's my son. Which means I got you pregnant that night. Correct?"

Baekhyun breathes a long one.


Chanyeol leans back on the small couch, squeezes his eyes, covers his face with his palms, and sighs.


He did not expect there would be an outcome to what he did years ago. He got someone pregnant. He had a son all this time. And now he's about to getting married to a woman his parents arranged for him. What is he supposed to do now?

"Okay. I will provide financially so tell me the amount-"

Baekyun shakes his head.

"No, I don't want your money."

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