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Books and cleverness! They are more important things friendship and bravery

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Books and cleverness! They are more important things friendship and bravery.

-Hermione granger

𝐒𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"Sid wake up my young boy. Don't you want to go school" My mom said calmly coming towards me. "I don't wanna go school mom. They will always bully me" I said in a whisper tone.

"Sid you should be a strong boy and don't you wanna be like you dad" Mom said caressing my cheek I just nodded silently and went towards washroom. Oh didn't I introduced myself! Well myself Siddharth Wilson. I am a 10 years soon gonna be 11 and a cursed boy who was bullied by everyone in the school. They tell me that I am not rich enough to give them money. Actually yes we are poor but doesn't mean that we should not live. Our dad left us or maybe died. Mom went in depression for 6 months no one took care of her leaving me. There is no one for us in this world. My thoughts were broken by my mom's voice. "Sid come fast"

I chuckle and went down to see Mom was serving breakfast. I ate my lunch and went directly to school.

Today was a normal day as usual devil's group bullied me. Obviously I was nerd so everyone love to bully me. "Chi chi chi" I heard some voices coming from window I went and saw a owl but there was something in mouth. He just kept that paper in my hand and flew away. I opened that paper.

"What's Hogwarts?" I whispered silently. "Is it a school" I again whispered. Then someone kept hand on my shoulder. I was started and started shouting. "Ahhhh who are you? How did you came in my room? And why are you like this?" I was asking questions one by one then shutted my mouth and started speaking.

"Hey! Young man calm down. Myself hagrid I am like a minister in Hogwarts."
He said calmly and left my mouth. He really looks like a old man.

Rubeus Hagrid

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Rubeus Hagrid....

"Well what's hogwarts?" I said directly asking him. "Little child. Hogwarts is a school where you can learn magic well you can be a good wizard though but if you want to go hogwarts you should go to an another world. Where only magic is used. Well if you wanna come I can take you. He said all this by dancing he seems little childish though. Well for now focus on hogwarts Sid. Is he really telling the truth. A another world where only magic is exist. I want to go but what about Mom will she live in this society alone and without me. "Umm sorry I can't come" I said giving the letter back to him. He suddenly frowned and said.

"Why" He said coming towards me. "Umm...I..." I was really hesitated. Then someone enter in my room suddenly without coming from door/window I was really shock. I was going back in fear. Then she came came and assured me. "Hey don't be scared. I will not harm you" She said calmly caressing my hair. I felt love in her touch so I just hesitated and went towards her. " My name is Minerva McGonagall"

( how to pronounce - Mac - gonna - gal)

( how to pronounce - Mac - gonna - gal)

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Minerva McGonagall.....

" I know what are you thinking you don't wanna go there because your mom right " She said bending towards me and smiled lightly. I just nodded looking down. "We can do one thing why don't you take them with you but you should meet them once in a year. We will provide everything to your mother" she said looking into my eyes but is this real can i go there. Can i go there and live my life happily. Then suddenly Hagrid bought a cake from the magic. My eyes widened HOW THE FUCK DID HE DO THIS!! "He did this with magic" she said oh shut! I think i have told it too much loud. "Umm why did he bought a cake?" I asked them with confusion. She just lightly chuckle. "Sid don't you remember today is your birthday" She said with a cute smile. I saw the clock it was 12:00 am. "Happy 11th birthday dear" He said ruffling my hairs. "Thank you" I smiled.

"So are you ready?" She asked taking her wand out. It was in brown and some design was there on it.

"Apparition" she just said a word by moving her wand. Suddenly we was near a bar shop. Wait how did we came here!! We was in my room.

"It's call magic dear" she said and started walking towards the bar shop. "Huh! Why are going in bar shop".........

How was the chapter??🤨🤨

Hope you like it??

And well sid's name is Siddharth Wilson here. Don't get confused hehe....

Votes results :-

Hinny - 0

Harmione :-  10

Romione :- 1

( we seriously thought that romione will get more votes lol nvm )

Will meet in next chapter...

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By seeing this gifs

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By seeing this gifs. We think you all got to know whom we are casting 😜



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