CHAP. 10: The Royals

Start from the beginning

It felt as if she just redeemed her youth at the late days where she tried to break the shackles that was tied onto her. She knew that by doing this, their love would grew and she can live peacefully. But...


Ungrateful fools. They killed her, she shattered her, she tooked what she wanted, what she prayed for. And left nothing.

The saddest thing was, she just said "It's sad that we.. wait noo-- i would not see the sunrise together with you again. But you, you could still see it with someone you like" She smiled while looking at them. 'Its over' she thought

Everyone felt weird, like she was not getting executed but as if her wishes just came true. Unbeknowst to them a single tear fell.

We really are different yet at the same time the same. *sighss* i'll do my best to live the life you never had and to ruin the green tea who did this to you.

And i woke up, with a much brighter smile
'You may have been the cause of her death but do not fret i will make sure that you will be treated as how she was. Like an Animal' hehehe~

Well it took us 3 days and it was exhausting. But we arrived at the Emperial Castle safely with a fatigue mind.

It was huge, bigger than my second company that is. Yes second, my first company is bigger than this size. As we went and walk our way to the throne room, their were many sculptures made out of gold. But what caught my attention was this one sculpture, it was a sculpture of a dragon circling around the sun, it was shinier than everything and the most common thing that i have been seeing after stepping in this castle. That must have been the royal emblem.
(A/N: You just go on and imagine it i could not find a suitable picture for it T^T)

The Chamberlain of the King greeted us and showed us the room where the King's closest friend can stay and wait, this is also the place where they discussed some juicy stuffss ;)

The Chamberlain gave us some few sweets and biscuits, he also prepared as some chamomile tea ^^

Then the door opened a tall figure went in along with him was his wife, the Queen and the Crown Prince. He truly look alike his parents, both have godlike faces

"Greetings Your Majesty, the King, Her Highness the Quenn, and His Highness, the Crown Prince" As we all bow.

Now the story here is that my father and the king are bestfriends, and as you know you just can't kill a duke's daughter plus it was your bestfriends daughter, so it will be hard for that, just changing some rules would not suffice since they also need our dukedome's help, what made my death easier was the fact that my parents do not care about me and that my father agreed about my execution.

As we have already taken down a deathflag that involves my family, our next target is within the castle.

A hearty laugh came from the King as he said
"You don't have too be formal, Vyllis where old hags yknow"

I want to laugh when he said 'old hags' i mean Dad's face is all crumpled up, you could tell he was pissed off.

While on my Mother's side all i could hear was a terrible high pitch squeling which is currently damaging my ear drum. RIP. This was not part of the game but with the events happening it seems its not following the plot too well.

Ahhh yes, this are the Royals. The King, Theodore Rutherford, the Queen Clementine Cheshz, and the Crown Prince Tyler Cluvis Rutherford.

There are no concubines since the King only married once. But despite so, Tyler didn't exactly had a fulfilling childhood as per the game said. It was written that Tyler really looks up to his Father, the King that he tried to make himself better, plus with the constant pressure he just forgot to sometimes have fun. And also because sometimes he became twisted.

(A/N: Says the one who never had a fulfilling childhood ^^#)

"Ara ara now little missy, care to tell me your name" The king said. And im beyond pissed, i mean srly little missy, im too old for that.

(A/N: says the one who said it was normal for her to forget some stuffs because she is currently in a child's body =-=)

Which caught the attention of the Mother's. Ahhh pray my soul TwT.

"Greetings to His Majesty the King, Her Highness the Quenn, His Highness the Crown Prince, may the Heaven and Earth bless the kingdom that is within your palm"
As i curtsied perfectly. "This loyal servants name is Vienne st. Claire".

As much as i hate bowing i dont want to die yet without having the taste of sweet revenge.

"No need for formalities kid" This stup-- he is a king, i repeat a king. I sighed.

"Just call me Uncle" The king said which made everyone twitched.

"Y-yes, Your-- i mean U-uncle!" This is awkward.

The king laughed and said "Why not you and my son go to the garden and have a hearty talk"

Calm down

Calm the F**K DOWN!!

Is he kidding me!! Have a talk that was a death sentence.




I updated again for this month and hope you guys like it.

I'll be seeing you again in the nxt chapter



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