CHAP. 9: The Meeting P.2

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The prime minister's son and one of the capture targets, TRISTAN HUGH

A dark brownish-blackish hair
Cyan eyes
5'9 height

(A/N: crdts to the rightful owner of this photo)


After everyone learned about my mana they become rlly edgy like theyre looking at a devil incarnate.

I am quite happy with what i got

BWHAHAHAHAH cuz this mana rlly suits me tho. I am a villainess hehe~

After walking down the podium i went to find my parents and told them that i want to breath a fresh of air and i think they misunderstood me but oh well its a great excuse

As i was skipping my way to the garden the monkeys that will be part of my downfall are coming.

And as expected theyre here... yieeeee, DRAMA~~

"Ms st. Claire, i really am sorry about your mana" A brunette little girl asked with a fake concern along with her tag-along other idiotic friends.

You might have not know what is currently happening obv since i haven't told you yet, but this ugly thing talking to me was just a evil-side-character who only knows to bully people over petty things, this is Shelly Querill with her 'friendsssss'

Oh and i wish i could have photographed her face because.. i mean as a child myself(currently am) her face really looks like a clown. A real living clown, yknow the era where they put heavy powder in their face with a bit of 'tons' accesories. Yup that is what am seeing.

And so i sincerely said "Thankyou for your concern Ms. Clown and--" i paused and looked behind where the other fakes are "....uhh Ms. Tag-alongs" i even curtsied alittle to show my sincerity, can you now see how good ive been taught by my overllyyy-scaryy ettiquette teacher.

Ofc after i said that Tag-along number 1 shouted at me. "You!! Have you got no manners, Lady Querill was just saying that out of concern!!"

"My we did not know that Lady st. Claire misuderstood our intention" said tag along 2

"You really are no different from the rumors!" Tag along 3 said with disgust.

And as you can see i have gave them a proper nickname to my disposal, as so that i wont get confused.

In the game it was said that these girls started spouting nonsense infront of our idiotic villain, and Ms. Clown here so calledly defended her and thus they became friends. Pretty idiotic huh suckkss.

Its child play.

Other than that the Crown Prince would arrive late due to the 'unforeseen accident'

And when the Crown Prince arrived along with his own gang of tag alongs, Ms.Clown here started spouting to our stupid villainess about how great ang charming he is and how we'll look sooo good together, making her fall for Mr. Princey here. Well not exactly fall but had a crush on him.

Oh and ofc along with the Crown Prince, the son of the prime minister, and his knight, which is the son of the Great General of the kingdom, tag along.

Yup. They're the capture targets. They are the important figures im talking about.

"Girls, its okay Ms st. Claire might be feeling down, specially about her errrr.." Ms. Clown said, feeling 'ashamed.'

"No! Shelly, you're being kind" said Tag along 2 and the others agreed.


"Uhhh-- hello, may i ask what is happening" a gentle voice said behind me.



Pls dont tell me who i think it is

..Dude wth are u doing here ^^#

"Mr. Hugh, pleasure to see you here" The lady's bow.

oh no.... OH NO NO NO NO NO

'Come down, you are a villaine, A VILLAINESS'

I graciously turn around and bow, as i look up. He is CUTE!!

"Mr. Hugh, pleasure too see you here"

"I dont mean to pry but Mr. Hugh, why are you here instead of being with the crown prince" i asked with an impassive face.

'How the hell is he here! He is supposed to be with the prince, talking politics!!'

"Ahhh, well i saw all of you and it seems you are having an argument??" He shyly said.

'Wth dude.. you are not even sure what you are saying UGHHHH'

"Well Ms st. Claire, misunderstood Ms. Querill's good intention" tag along 1 said.

"Yes Mr. Hugh, Ms. Querill was just asking her if she is alright" tag along 3 said.

"You might have not known but it seems Ms. st Claire has a dark mana" tag along 2 said.

"I-i was just asking i didn't mean to misunderstood" Ms. Clown said with a downcast expression.

What a b%@€@!!

I can tell that Hugh seen through their act. Way to go for the capture target.

"I see, well you should have taken Ms. st. Claire's feelings into consideration" he said with a kind tone.

The monkeys who were ashamed just bowed their heads and bid their goodbye.

'Now that they left aren't you gonna leave'

'Its now over...shooo'

I looked at him with a graceful smile and bowed. As a sign of my 'not' thanks.

And i guesse he figured that i am very uncomfortable right now

"I see, then it seems Lady st. Claire has stuffs to do, ill go on my way then" And just like that he left with a gentle smile.

Ughhhh as much as i want to see a drama that does not mean i have to be part of it.

And this was not supposed to happen. Is this some kind of bad premonition.

It seems i have to finish 'that' business.

But oh well, atleast i did not meet the crown prince, which is a good thing. Tho, our engagement will happen sooner or later due to the events unfolding, im sure of it ><



She finally met one of the capture targets. Which is the son of the prime minister. Ahhh downright handsome isnt he (well everyone is^^) but what do you think about how they met, did it leave an impression or not.

Hope you like the update hohoho~

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