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"Welcome at COMIC-CON enjoy your day!"

"I can't believe I finally got the chance to come here", you said to your friend as you entered the big hall.
"I am so excited to meet everyone here", Casey said.
"Yeah me too!"

"This afternoon we have the opportunity to meet people of the MCU", you read the poster hanging out at a pillar.
"Sounds great", Casey said.

"We're in post-production of Thor The Dark World right now-", suddenly the mic fell out. You looked around to what was happening, but then the lights fell out too.
"What's going on", Casey asked you.
"I don't know. I hope they fix it soon."

"Lining up in the swealtering heat for hours", a voice suddenly spoke.
"Is that-" People started to cheer as they realised who's voice that was.
"Huddling together in the dark like beasts!"

The light flashed on for a split second and went out again. Everyone was starting to lose his shit because you all knew who was talking: Loki.

The light went back on and there he was: Tom Hiddleston dressed as Loki. The crowd cheered of the top of their lungs. Tom had a smile on his face as he opened his arms wide open and got back into character.

"LOKI, LOKI, LOKI!" Fans started to shout his name as if he was a real god standing before them. Tom silenced them and started to speak.

"I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose!"
He walked over to the panel, "stand back you mewling quim!"

"You should have let me rule when you had the chance."
"He sure can rule over me", Casey said with a cocky grin.

"Claim loyalty to me and I will give you what you need."
"Just pull those pants off already", Casey commented again.

You knew he fancied Tom, and Loki, a lot but not in this way.
"Gosh I am going to get a Hiddleboner if he continues to tease us like this", he said.
"Gosh Case keep your hornyness for yourself."

"Say my name."
"Say my name."
"Say my name!"
"My wife loves you", a man shouted at Tom which made us all laugh.
"Well it seems I have an army", and with that Tom left the stage.

"That was so cool!"
"I can't believe Hiddleston just showed up as Loki", you said in disbelieve.
"He's such a good actor-"
"And so handsome", you mumbled.
"Someone has a crushhhh."
"Says the one who wanted to pull his pants off", you giggled.

After the signing and our photo with Tom you headed to the stores.

Your hands were still trembling because of the adrenaline he gave you. He was the sweetest man you've ever met and from up close he was taller than you expected.

"Lady and gent can I have a word with you please", a man in suit asked you. You nodded carefully.
"Mister Tom Hiddleston has asked me to ask you if you would wanna have a private meeting after his signing session and photoshoot."

Both Casey and you didn't know how to react. Of course you wanted both to see him in person!

"I would love to meet him", Casey started.
"Me too", you quickly added.
"Follow me please", the man said and you did as he asked.

You made your way to the backstage of the hall where the actors stay during the day. It was parted in one little hall for them to come together and then private rooms for each celeb.

You looked around and saw a part of the MCU cast that were on the panel earlier and their managers, but you didn't see Tom yet.

A door opened and Tom came in. You could actually faint from meeting him properly. He straightened his shirt and made his way to you. Casey started sweating a lot and you lost your breath.

"Hello again", he said with his low mascular voice.
"Hello", Casey and you said in unism shyly.

You sat down at a table and started talking, well Casey mostly, you just listened to what he said and also from preventing yourself of saying anything foolish or embarressing.

"It was nice to meet you Sir", Casey shook Tom's hand.
"The pleasure was mine. (Y/n) would you mind staying a bit I have something more private to ask you", Tom turned to you before giving you a hand.

His manager didn't quite understand his intentions and neither did you.

"Of course Sir," you turned to Casey.
"I'll be waiting at the shop for you. You can always call me."

He walked away with the security and before he left the room he gave you a quick thumbs up. You scoffed and followed Tom to his dressingroom. He asked his security to wait outside and to leave you alone.

You sat down on the couch. You took a look around and were surprised to see that the rooms were not that big and cosy as you thought. Loki's costume hung on the wall and the wig stood in his desk in front of the classic mirror with the light bulbs.

Tom took your hand to get your attention.
"Thank you for accepting my offer", he started.
"Thank you for inviting me."
"My pleasure."

"Well my mother mostly supported my carreer as an actor since I was a child. My father wanted me to have a typical job for men like me. In the end he saw my passion and he realised there was a future for me and so he changed his mind."

During your conversation Tom's hand ghosted over your leg. He never broke eyecontact and his smile was enchanting. He leaned his arms on his legs and combed his hand through his hair.

He took a bottle of water and handed another to you. You opened it and took a sip.
"Can I be honest? You're very pretty", he said.
You almost spat your water out. You couldn't believe your ears.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said that", he quickly appologised, blushing.
"No, no I didn't really expect you'd say that", you reassured him. He smiled and laid his hand on your leg, again.

You placed your water away and you continued your conversation. He slowly laid his hand on your shoulder and stroked your cheek with his thumb.

You felt your cheeks flush red, burning from desire because of his touch. You scooped a bit a closer while his thumb kept moving up and down along your soft skin.

He slowly came closer as he closed his eyes. You followed his lead and felt your lips meet. His kiss was soft, gently yet filled with desire and passion.

You started stroking his cheeks during the kiss and his hands traveled down your body.

His tongue started playing with yours and you stroked his chest. He groaned and leaned more over to deepen your kiss. He stroked the sides of your body and you held him close.

He slowly pulled back. You smiled and leaned your heads against one another.

"Unbelieveable", you breathed. He laughed softly and held your face in his hands.


Just imagine this happened to you when you're at a COMIC-CON!


Tom Hiddleston one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now