Shifting Powers

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Ultimus and Hestia were in a forested area where there were Cybertronian tracks were caught on camera and wasn't posted on social media. The video was later edited by Arc and replaced by Raf. The Primes were joined by a new addition to the base, Hound. He was the Autobot's premier tracker and rejoined the fight after Jazz told him about Optimus. Now, he has the honour of training the younger Primes the art of tracking.

As they rounded a rock formation, they were met with the sounds of blasters charging. They were met with a gunmetal grey mech with seafoam highlights. He had no badge on him, signifying he was neutral. His build resembled Megatron. Hie helm had the signature shape that Megatron had but this mech had a crest on him. His shoulder was more rounded, and he wings on his back.

"You were tracking me," he said warily. "Are you here to kill me?"

Hestia was the first to put away her blasters and raised her arms. "Your footprints were caught on camera, and it was posted on a social," she said. "I thought you might need help."

"Names," he demanded.

"Hestia Prime," she said. "This is Ultimus Prime and Hound. We're Autobots."

He puts his blasters away and both Hound and Ultimus put away theirs. "Why are you worried of me?" he asked.

"Although I am an Autobot, I care of the welfare of all Cybertronians." Hestia said. "I was afraid you're injured since you went deep into these woods. The nearest shelter is a cave the opposite way."

"I am very much fine," he said. "I heard about you from the other Primes that visit me. I am Advent Prime."

"Wow," Hound said. "Never knew we would meet a new one."

"I am not interested in joining your cause," he said. "I have my own agendas. Particularly in slaying Iapetus Prime once and for all."

"Iapetus?!" Ultimus said in shock. "He's here?"

"Was," Advent told him. "That one is sneaky. He just flew off as an eagle and jumped in the sea as a fish. Sounds crazy but trust me, I'm not lying."

"We trust you," Ultimus said. "He's made to counter me."

Advent looked at Ultimus up and down. "You can do that too?" he asked.

"I can scan anything sentient being and become it," Ultimus said. "My human name is Jack."

"Name's Arion," he said. "Both my pre-Prime name and human name."

"Solus told me about you," Hestia said.

"Met her once," he said. "She reminded me of my human grandmother. She told me that you're gonna make a sword."

Hestia warily nodded. She turned to the other two, "I'll be fine on you own," she said. "I'll call once I'm done with the consultation."

Ultimus and Hound nodded and called for a groundbridge. They two Autobot mechs left though the groundbridge and it closed. Hestia turned to consult her new subject.

"Well," she said. "Ultimus did some snooping and found out you're a pro fencer."

Arion raised his brow-ridge at her. "Really?" he asked. "Never took that one of you will stalk me on the internet."

"Solus told me that you're going to join the Decepticons," she said. "Some of the Autobots have grown too weary of them. This war was started almost eons ago. They've been fighting longer than any human ever have been able to discover fire."

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