Hagakure Part 1

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The last thing Izuku Midoriya was expecting to hear today was a confession from the most unexpected person.

"Midoriya Can I talk to you after school came a voice from his invisible classmate.

"O-oh sure Hagakure" Izuku told her before going back to work.


"So what did you want to talk about?" Midoriya asked her.

"W-well lately I-I've been having these feelings. I just had to tell you..." She started off. Midoriya froze was this a confession? His first ever confession to a girl who he held his feelings for!

"Midoriya I. I LOVE YOU!" She blurted out quickly before turning away.

"S-so how do you feel about me?" She asked quietly.

"H-Hagakure I-I feel the same.." He said quietly. She turned round

"R-really?" She asked in a shocked tone to which he nodded.

Nobody knew of her crush on the green haired boy.

"W-well would you like to go out sometime?"

"I'd love to!" He said walking up to her.

"How about Saturday?" She asked looking up at him judging by where his voice was.

"Sounds good!" He smiled at her. After that he felt her arms wrap around him in a hug.

"Thank you Iz- Midoriya!" She said, almost slipping out his first name. They then walked back where Hagakure went to her room and locked her door.

On her walls were picture of Midoriya from middle school to now. On her desk were things she had stolen from him, such as clothes. She even has gone so far as to get his hair after a haircut. She sat on her bed cuddling the doll she made of Izuku mumbling.

"First comes love then come marrige..."

That night Hagakure couldn't get sleep. Neither could her neighbours. For some reason they kept hearing her say Izuku.


On Saturday Midoriya was waiting outside a cafe waiting for his date. He was so excited that his classmates asked what he was so happy about.

Hagakure wasnt better she always tried to be around him. But she couldn't give herself away.

"MIDORIYA!" came Toru's voice down the street a bit.

They sat in the cafe for hours just chatting and laughing with each other.

It was almost curfew when they left.

The train ride home involved Toru falling asleep on his shoulder. When the train stopped Hagakure woke up a pulled Izuku up towards U.A's gate.

"H-Hey Hagakure slow down I want to ask you something." He blurted out. She stopped and dropped his hand she turned around.


"W-well I was thinking... Would you be my G-Girlfriend!?" He asked looking down blushing. She smiled and lifted his head up and looked at him.

"Of course~" She then proceeded to take Izuku's first kiss which left him malfunctioning. To which she giggled and kept pulling him back to the dorms. When they got back Mina rushed up to her and a still overheated Midoriya.

"What happened girl?" She asked looking back at Midoriya.

"I may have kissed him..." She mumbled only so Mina could hear. Her reply was a squeal.

"OMG Congratulations girl." Mina hugged her.

After Izuku returned to the land of the living he proceed to get ready for bed.

"Midoriya!" Iida called out to him.


"Don't forget that assesment due tomorrow for Hero History." He told him. Izuku's eyes widened & he bolted to his room. After a solid hour of work he decided a shower would be great about now. While the shower was going. His door creaked open and shut again. He stopped the shower and listened.

"Anyone out there?" He called, No reply he kept showering. The bathroom door opened and there were a few flashes while he was shampooing his hair he turned and saw nothing so kept showering. "Its past one in the morning everyones asleep..." He Muttered to himself. A Few minutes later he swore he heard panting, But again found nothing. "H-Hagakure?" He called out just in case. He stopped the shower and headed out to the room but suddenly slipped on something. "Ugh what the-" he looked down. "I-Is that soapy water?" He got up and dragged himself to his bed. As his consciousness faded from him he swore he heard a door open and close....

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