Broken Heart

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When Joe walked through the door Sophie launched herself at him wrapping her arms around his legs. She was confused at his response as usually he picked her up to swing her around or give her a big kiss.

"Sorry honey, I have to talk to mommy for a while. Can you stay with Grandma for a while?" he said sadly pushing her away. She followed him for a few more steps before Andrea stopped her. Each step up the stairs and to their bedroom felt like a thousand miles, Joe was still in complete disbelief at what had just happened. When he finally cracked the door open he saw Taylor laying on her side in bed propped up on some pillows writing in her journal. She turned to face him with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey, I missed you" she said reaching her arms out for a hug but pulled back when he didn't return her embrace. Off put by his coldness she studied his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, the smile fading from her face.

"Taylor... something happened in court today. I can't even explain what happened but it just did."


"Tay today the judge ordered us to give custody of Sophie to Carol and Steve until you're off of bedrest." Joe tried to say this as carefully as possible as if the way he said it would have any less effect. Taylor sat straight up in bed unable to believe at what he was saying.

"No! they can't be serious we have tons of people willing help us out with her." She was already beginning to get worked up and it was useless for Joe to try and talk her down.

"They fed the judge some garbage about how they're offering us help and don't mean any harm and say it will only benefit everybody involved... she ordered us to bring her to court to do the exchange next Monday, I'm so sorry Lana and I tried everything to get Judge James to change her mind but she wouldn't budge." Joe couldn't bear to look Taylor in the face... instead he stared at the bedspread between them. He was waiting for her to scream and cuss him out for not doing enough to keep their family together or begin to breakdown. Instead she became deathly silent.

"Babe?... come on talk to me." He reached up to cup her cheek. Taylor pulled away giving her head a shake.

"It's fine... everything is going to be okay." She said her voice containing only the slightest tremor.

"Love... you can get upset and cry if you need to."

"I can handle this... I can fix everything." She said roughly wiping away tears that had started to spring in her eyes. "Don't tell Sophie or my mom anything, there's no reason to upset either of them for nothing." Joe didn't know why she seemed so calm but it scared him regardless.


In the morning Joe woke up to instinctually reach for Taylor but found her side of the bed empty.

"Taylor?" He called out quickly throwing off the covers and getting out of bed, she wasn't supposed to get out of bed for any reason but to go to the bathroom. He hurried downstairs to the kitchen where he could smell food cooking.

"Morning Daddy!" Sophie chirped from her seat at the kitchen table a big pile of breakfast on the plate in front of her. Taylor stood with her back toward him while she packed Sophie's snacks for school. Joe gave Sophie a halfhearted morning pat on the head in response to her greeting.

"Taylor, you are not supposed to be off of bedrest what are you doing?" Joe said in a low voice so Sophie wouldn't hear.

"I feel fine so I'm taking care of Sophie today." She said matter-of-factly while measuring out fruit snacks into Tupperware.

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