cookies and cream

Start from the beginning

A couple seconds went by and they looked up. She blushed slightly and he couldn't help but smile.

"I-I guess. This is like...our first official date? I feel like I've been with you a couple of times now. Now I'm here as your....girlfriend?"

"Yeah...yeah you are. Well, on our first 'unofficial' date, I scared you off.", he blushed at the word.

"Oh, I didn't forget.", she snorted. "I can't believe this all started from that one night. Then I wanted you to feel better with food! Of all things. I thought it was going alright but then you said you didn't-


She aggressively began to drink her milkshake until she got a brain freeze.


"Calm down!", he laughed. "Why did you drink it so fast!"

"It's-it's just so good!"

They began to slowly drink their milkshake and take it the atmosphere in a comfortable silence.

"Look! I finished before you! We should go..heh."

"Alright, sheesh.", he said calmly.

He clearly saw what she was avoiding and glad she caught herself when she did. Not trying to expose him, already. He put the bill money and tip on the table with an exhale.

He stood up and held his hand out. She smiled and took it gently while he led her back to his car. They walked to the parking lot and she shivered a little. He noticed immediately and took his scarf off. It was the only thing he brought in his car since he thought he'd be indoors all night. It was a good call to bring it with him inside the diner. He wrapped it around her than jokingly threw the rest around her face.

"Hey!", she giggled. "It's colder out here than I expected."

"Why do you always end up misjudging the cold?", he snorted.

They made it to the car and he opened the door for her.

"Such a gentleman.", she scoffed jokingly.

"I do my best.", he said closing her door.

Once they were both in the car, he turned on the heater and she sighed in relief.

"Thank God, that feels so warm. I officially love your car."

"Because of the heater?", he laughed.

"It doesn't take much! A-anyway...Happy Valentines' Day. I don't think I said that."

"Happy Valentines' Day.", he chuckled. "Did you have a good day?"

"I did.", she giggled. "Thanks to you. I can't believe we ended up ditching the event. My feet are killing me, especially because of my messed up ankle. I'm glad my dress covers my heels.

"I can't believe you even bothered to do that. I know you must be in pain."

"I did it for you! Well-and me too. I can't wear a dress like this and my slippers!"

"Well.", he said putting his hand on her cheek. "If it's for me, I can't help but appreciate it, huh."

He turned to her slightly, so she did the same.

"Did you have fun with me today?", she asked shyly.

"You made my day. I got to tell you how much I like you. I get to take you out now. Wherever you want. I want to give you whatever you want."

"It can't just be you!", she blushed. "Me too-to just said. I like you, a lot. I'm gonna prove it too!"

"You'd better.", he murmured while putting his thumb on her chin.

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