Crash Landing

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Hey guys sorry it has been so long I had school but summer just started so I will continue writing! *vote and comment on what should happen next*


  Heart beating as fast as light, your shivering in fear, can't feel your our limbs. The rest of my life as know it flashed by I know I was going to die.
Zean P.O.V.
  We start the flight and I stop talking to the one and only Bella. Man she is HOT, I wonder if she is a good kisser? She better be she is the hottest girl in school! You know I hear she is a virgin! Crazy right man who ever the lucky fella will be he is lucky! Virgin's give it all they got, unlike the used ones at our school! Any ways time for amazing dreams dreams about Bella!

                                         3 hours later

I wake to felling of floating and screaming unimaginable! Our worst fear has happened we are all falling to our death in the sky! *Bump!* *Crash!* Rip!* *Screams!*

[Heart beating as fast as light, your shivering in fear, can't feel your our limbs. The rest of my life as know it flashed by I know I was going to die.]
Rikki P.O.V.

" Zean! Zean! Oh dear God please don't be dead, you are the only one that I have left no one will wake up! Not you to! Zean!!!"
Zean P.O.V.

I awake to the noise of Rikki yelling at me! "Man what happened I asked in fear?" She replied scarily, " We crashed and I think everyone else is dead!" As she said that everyone else slowly woke up one by one. I get strength to stand up, but once I did I felt the plane rock we were lodged between two trees rocking back and forth. I slowly walk up to the front of the plane and, when I get up there I notice that we are only ones still alive the pilot died during the crash. From the looks of it he bashed his head three times and bled out from a cut in his head. He was good man and didn't need to die. That wasn't our only problem though . How are we going to live in the middle of nowhere?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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