All in all, Elodie's team won, mainly because of her incredible skills, and we were able to leave after only taking a few dozen pictures with fans and signing autographs while Elodie changed and fixed herself up for court in a few hours.


I turned at the sound of my little sister's voice, politely excusing myself from those crowding around us trying to get more pictures, and caught sight of Elodie just as she flung herself at V and engulfed her in what looked like a painful hug.

"You were so amazing out there! Wow, you look gorgeous, Ellie!"

"Thank you, so do you! Oh, hey, I think your hair is kind of..." she trailed off while I stifled a laugh.

I hadn't noticed, but there was a huge tangle on the back of V's head, sticking up and outwards so much so that I almost regretted fisting the hair around my hand earlier that day, but the wide eyed embarrassment on V's face was too priceless to ever regret. So were the sounds she made while I did it, too.

"Hey big bro! What did you think, am I the better basketball player in the family now?"

I tucked my little sister under my arm as V ducked under my other arm, my two favorite people on the planet by my side.

"I don't know, we'll have to see about that. I'm definitely going to have to teach you a thing or two if you wanna be on my level."

She reached up and ruffled my hair while we dodged and weaved away from the crowds dispersing out into the parking lot, a few stragglers following us and still trying to get our attention but it was easier to ignore the gawkers with phones at the ready than it was to engage with them.

"Are you ready for today?" V asked, that undeniable empathy swirling in her brown doe eyes, and I couldn't help the need to reassure her, but it wasn't my place to do so.

Elodie beamed at us in response.

"Are you kidding? You're kidding, right? Please, tell me you're kidding. V, you're like my new best friend-and once you and Eli get married then I'll definitely be able to get away with anything."


"I don't think that's how-"

I spoke at the same time as V, though we were interrupted by Elodie's laughter as we reached my SUV.

"I'm joking, guys, chill. I know you'll have to, you know, parent me or whatever. I'm a very mature, responsible fourteen year old, I'll have you know. All I'm saying is, it'll be nice not to have to watch what I say every time I open my mouth, or hide out in my bedroom and wait for everyone to go to sleep to make myself something to eat to dodge...well, anyways. My answer is yes, I am so ready for today, I've been ready for today since you told me you wanted to adopt me."

V sucked in a deep breath and a strangled laugh escaped her throat, her watery eyes filled with unshed tears. She'd been more and more emotional lately concerning Elodie's adoption and I'd had to be more gentle with her regarding the court proceedings. Her anxiety had been through the roof making sure everything was perfectly in place, and she had never been more organized in her life.

"You know we love you, so much right?"

"Wow, when did you become such a bawl bag? Yes, of course I know you guys love me, why else would you go to so much trouble getting me out of there?"

The girls shared a lengthy hug filled with more tears (from V) and then it was my turn.

"Okay guys, I think we can save the sappy shit for the court room?"

V slapped me playfully on my arm, shooting me daggers and sharpening her eyes my way. That woman sure could turn her emotions on a dime lately.

It made for more fun in the bedroom, though, that was the one positive of her moodiness. As was shower sex, so we didn't make a mess...

Except there hadn't been a mess earlier that day. She hadn't started her period at all in the past month and a half. But she had all the symptoms.

Didn't moodiness with no period mean pregnancy? Or would I just be a shitty boyfriend for bringing that up, and then she'd give me the third degree for bringing it up and call me a toxic male?

If she didn't get her period in the next two weeks, I'd bring it up. If not, my lips were sealed. I was not about to risk her fiery temper for something that could be nothing.

I ushered V and Elodie into the car and set the course for lunch and then we'd be heading to the courthouse to finally adopt Elodie, finally make it legal and finish the puzzle that was our family.

Well, that puzzle would finally be finished once I was officially married to V, but I had my own plans for that. All in due time.

Until then, it would be the three of us and her chasing her singing dreams while I pursued my basketball career and Elodie finished high school with us. It was everything I didn't think I'd ever want, and it ended up being everything I would ever need.

V's beautiful brown eyed gaze met mine across the console and I gripped her hand in mine, driving away to our future together.

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