Shall we dance? [Tengen]

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As soon as you pulled up in the driveway, you already knew the night was going to be chaotic. People were coming from everywhere, flooding in and desperate to get into the most prestigious house party in school. You almost couldn't recognize your own friends standing on the grand porch looking out for you amongst the crowd.

You heard her voice before you saw her, screaming your name as she jumped into your arms. "You made it! Don't worry about anything we are taking care of you tonight." She winked, "We?"

Your eyes instantly locked on a tall and buff male as strode over cheerfully, "Y/N! Long time no see!"


He pulled you into an embrace before you even had the chance to properly greet him. It had been so long since you spent time with him, you missed him way too much. You were close friends since childhood, your families being friendly for what seemed like generations.

He was a busy man, studious and sporty, not to mention very popular with the ladies. Your ex wasn't too happy with how close you guys were, so naturally you had distanced off.

"I heard about what happened, but just so you know, I think that man is a fool. We will make sure you have the best weekend, so please don't be disheartened." He smiled as he gave one last hug before you both walked into the house.

Your eyes explored the abode as soon as you entered, it was huge. Even for the eight that lived here, there was still plenty of space to go around. The party itself had only just started, Mitsuri had quickly dashed off to take your weekend bag to her room since you were staying with her.

You were mostly close with her and Kyojuro, although you had met the others through some social events, they didn't seem to take a liking to your boyfriend.

Understandable to say the least, he thought much too highly of himself to conversate with your friends. He unapologetically looked down on them and they knew it, at least now you could socialize in peace without him glued to your side.

The music blared as Kyojuro took your hand to where the drinks were, not thinking twice before pouring some shots.

"I heard you're still a strong drinker." He joked.

"The strongest there is." You laughed back.

You indeed could handle your alcohol like no tomorrow, and in turn people respected you for it. He held out a shot of tequila for you to take, his fiery eyes inviting you in for some well deserved fun, you happily obliged.

"Set your throat ablaze!" He cheered, as you both downed a few shots to get the night started.

Mitsuri soon came running down the stairs to find you both, pouring herself some shots to join you. She wasn't the strongest drinker, by a long shot. You had often found yourself taking care of her when she had a little too much, but she made up for it by being equally as caring when both sober.

"Whew!!" She yelped, downing three shots in quick succession. "The night is young, but we are wasting no time!" She grabbed your hand as she pulled you to the makeshift dance floor. The furniture had been pushed aside to make space, it could rival even that of a nightclub in sheer size alone. The lighting made it even better, to the point it almost didn't feel like a house anymore.

You looked back to Kyojuro to call him over, only to see a mob of females surrounding him. He sure was popular, girls were desperate to be his girlfriend so they could proudly show him off to the rest of the school. As for Kyojuro, you knew better than anyone that he was far more reserved in that department than he let off. He had his own battle going on with his insecurities, which you knew all too well, mostly stemming from his strict and somewhat distant father.

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