eleven: future plans

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2012, July 30th

Akaashi sat in front of a sleeping Tamiko. Again. And he'd do it as many times as he needed to.

"The third years are graduating soon," he informed her "Bokuto asked me to tell you he wants you there."

He omitted the part where the older boy couldn't actually bring himself to ask him that favor. Lately, his parents' divorce had been draining him, and although his friends did all they could to keep him cheery, it proved to be different without Tamiko there to back them up with that reassuring smile of hers.

The other third years had already visited her, red their speeches to her and ranted a little about what they'd be doing after school. Keep her up to date, it made them feel like she was still part of their daily life.

Akaashi let out a short laugh and looked at her as if they were both recalling a moment they'd share, complicity in his eyes that tried to reach her shut ones. He missed the times when they could communicate just by looking at each other. Now, he could send his message and never get a response.

"Remember when we talked about our futures? I had no idea of what I'd do after high-school," he mused, hiding a secret in the phrase he knew her awakened subconscious would get "The only thing I knew was that I wanted to have you then. I had time to plan my future out, there's no pressure. That's something you taught me, actually. Yet out of the two of us, you're the one that has the future all planned out."

2012, January 11th

It was Friday afternoon, exams had just finished and the couple was zoning out the world, wanting to just relax and let everything go. So they'd left school with a quick goodbye to their friends, and made their way to the Shiota-Yamada household, where Tamiko had opened the snack cupboard and thrown some in their bags.

Now, they laid a mess of tangled limbs under a fluffy blanket in her bed. The snacks had been half eaten and wrappers covered the nightstand next to the bed, neither of them wanting to get up to throw them to the trash and leave the comfort of the bed. It was a well-deserved rest after two weeks of hard studying.

Tamiko's head rested on her pillow, as Akaashi used her as his. She traced silly patterns on his back and nape with one hand, the other burying its fingers in his midnight blue locks. The boy could feel himself slipping away into the land of the dreams, the patterns he had been drawing on the skin he'd exposed at her hips becoming gradually slower and messier.

"Kei? You awake?" she whispered carefully.

She didn't get an answer at first, so she figured he'd actually succumbed to exhaustion and turned her body carefully to sleep herself. A grunt sounded. Then Keiji shifted his head and looked up at her.

"Yeah, sorry," he muttered "What is it?"

He was falling asleep before, but his focus was now wholly Tamiko's. It happened all the time, and it went both ways. One could be doing something, like reading a book or organizing a section, or just lost in their thoughts, but if the other called them, they turned their attention to them. Their friends had seen it happen and mocked them by calling each other's names and dramatically looking intensely in their eyes. But to them, it was something reassuring, knowing that the other would listen to them no matter what.

"Do you know what you wanna do after high-school?" she asked, looking up at the glow in the dark star stickers she had on her ceiling.

Akaashi let out a breath through his lips, turning a little for a more comfortable position and laying his head sideways on his ear.

wake up soon - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now