Chapter 2- The Window

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No One's POV:

Singapore is sitting on the chair next to the sofa, and someone has walked into the house without someone opening the door for them. This person is a relatively short male, he is wearing a dark grey suit with a white collared shirt underneath. He has a red tie and is wearing white silk gloves. He also has a top hat which matches his suit colours, and a yellow ribbon around the trim. "Hello Singapore. I'm sorry if I surprised you, I was given a spare key a while ago so i just felt like I should use it to get in seeing as this is an important matter." the person who walked in says apologetically.  "It's fine, you don't have to apologise Britain." Singapore states in response.

A moment passes, throughout this time, Uk explains what they need to do, and to behave. Once he feels everything has been dealt with adequately, he leaves and heads back home. 

A few hours later, Somewhere else, No One's POV:

Once again inside meeting room 2, it appears the meeting has officially ended now. Un and Eu are the only two left in there. They decide that they may as well go to Asean's house to see what he called about earlier.

When they arrive they find out what happened and Uk is called back to the house because they wanted an outside perspective and to make sure the kids aren't lying.

Uk arrives at the house shortly after being called and confirms what happened, and even once Un and Eu thank him for helping and leave ten minutes later, Uk decides he might as well stay to keep the house from burning down.

Asean wakes up a couple of hours after that and he convinces Uk to go home.

Uk's house when he gets back, No one's POV:

Uk walks back through the door and immediately hears the chaos going on. There is some running around, some playing games on the television loudly, and some wandering around talking. Uk decides to sneak to the one room in the entire house no one would look for him in because if he were to stay in his room people would come in looking for him constantly, and he just wants to sleep for a while. America's room.

In America's room, America's POV:

I'm finally done cleaning my room! Now I can go steal the tv from whoever is using it hehe. I heard the door open just now, dad's in my room now. He looks pretty tired, usually he looks all proper and neat but now his hair is messy and stuff, I wonder what's going on :T

"Hey Ame, do you mind if I sleep in here for a bit? I need to have one and this is the only place no one would check". I can't say I expected that but he isn't really wrong, and he does look like he needs a nap sooooo. "Sure you can dad, I'm not going to be in here anyway so I don't mind."

A couple of hours later, No one's POV:

Uk is still asleep and then Mexico comes into America's room looking for something. She tries to wake him up but isn't able to and for some reason she decides to pick up Uk.... And throw him into a wall. This (not surprisingly) doesn't work, so she decides to pick him up again even though he is now injured from being thrown into a wall full force... she now throws uk into another wall that has a large window on it, and the window breaks and uk falls out. This room is on the third floor so he has a relatively long way to fall.

Outside the house, someone's POV:

I've been walking for a while now but I'm finally at the house. I really want to properly thank Uk for earlier and make sure he is actually getting rest like I suggested. 

What was that noise? it sounded like glass breaking.

No one's POV:

Uk falls out of the window and lands on the ground with a thud. It sounds like there is multiple people arguing up where the broken window is.

Asean was walking to the house and he saw this so he runs over to where Uk landed, checks to see if he is alive, and when he knows uk is indeed still alive he goes to his home with uk really quickly. 


What happened was that I couldn't think of how to rewrite a certain event in this chapter to not be completely unrealistic, as I was hoping for a less random chaotic roleplay involving things like op characters and superpowers and stuff, and what actually happened was something I wasn't in time to change but after it I let the members know not to do that kind of thing. . If you're curious what really happened in the roleplay event you can ask in the comments or my dms :>

Word count: 729

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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