II Curiosity Killed The Cat II

Start from the beginning

The first friend group that formed, they called themselves, the Sleepy Boys. As lazy as that name is.

In their friend group they had Tommy, Tubbo, a man called Techno, A boy called Wilbur, and an old man called philza.

Techno has long pink hair, braided into a large messy fishtail with flowers and leaves weaved into it.

He has two dark reddish pinkish eyes, and a baby blue sword-like mark on his cheek.

He also had tusks on his lower Jaw. Two small scars on the right side of his jaw, and a huge scar spit sideways from his eyebrow slicing all the way to his lower lip on the left side of his face.

Kinda intimidating even though he has no idea where it came from or how he got it.

Some people started believing that techno is half pig or hog. Quite a strange assumption, though it would make sense on how his hair is naturally a bright, vibrant pink. Another off thing was his, so called. Best friend since childhood. Philza Minecraft.

Philza is pretty old, but no one knows how old he actually is. Correction, no one here knows their own damn age. Phil has two dull greenish grayish eyes, and two small black wings on the side of his cheek, as a mark.

I believe that he has that mark cause' He has two humongous real black wings on his back and black feathers on the side of his face, in front of his ears. The wings on his back are beautiful, and very large. Probably strong enough to carry him and another. Sleepy Bois have someone that can fly on their side.... Unfair.

Then there is Wilbur.

Apparently Wilbur was on one side of the paper and WilburSoot on the other, so it was pretty obvious which one is his first name. But instead of being called Soot, he prefers just Wilbur.

Wilbur has two dark caramel colored eyes with a musical number on the side of his cheek, he is also the only one that came with an object, a guitar. Surprisingly we both know how to play the guitar.

I don't remember learning how to play. Wilbur dose. He recalls being stuck in a room with instruments and a teacher learning the guitar...

Even though the teacher was blurry and he couldn't remember any facial details or any details at all. He says it's kinda just like one big blur.


The second group call themselves, The Feral Boys.

A group of five, including:

Quackity, George, Sapnap, and karl.

I didn't know why they called themselves the Feral boys, until I saw how chaotic and insane they all were.

Sapnap kinda looks like an elf fire monster.

He has long pointy ears with strange earrings, he also has a skinny looking tail with fluff at the end, he also has a flame on the side of his cheek as a mark.

The reason people call him a fire demon is because not too long ago.

While we were choosing beds, Sapnap didn't get what he wanted. He got really angry and aggressive, and somehow set himself ablaze.

Surprisingly he felt nothing, and as he gradually calmed down so did his flames.

Right now he is learning how to manipulate and control the fire. and he is currently trying to save Karl, cause he is now, somehow on fire.


Then there is a bigger group called Egg.

Just egg.... strang name.

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