I An Awakening I

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It's blurry, and dark. Pitch black is all that I can make out.

The lights are flickering uncontrollably, But they aren't. They are not lights, powered by electricity or solar power.

The light that keeps flashing on my face is the sun, setting or rising. I can't see, it's too bright.

I slowly raise my right arm and cover my face, trying to prevent the flashing light from blinding me. I feel tired, and wairy. As if I wrestled a bear or something. Why am I so drowsy? Why am I here?

I try to let my eyes adjust a little to my surroundings.

I am in a rusty crimson cage.


An elevator.

The elevator is made of steel bars and a large steel plate at the bottom of it. Not very comfortable, but better than sleeping in steel bars.


The elevator is moving quite swiftly, I can't tell if I'm going up or down. 'What if the elevator wasn't attached to anything and I am falling'

I look up to see a thick straw rope pulling up the elevator,

"I guess I'm going up, and not falling to my doom."

I wonder. what's at the bottom of this narrow, seemingly endless chute this elevator is ascending. I look down, Pitch black. Guess that answers my question. I look up and quickly cover my eyes by the sudden shine of the sun.

I lower my arm, and I can accurately see what else is in the elevator with me. Boxes of things, and a bunch of vegetables in woven baskets. I kept ascending up.

My hands and wrists were covered with blooding bandages and they started to sting and burn.

Why did they only start hurting now? How did I not notice this before.

I tried to stand up. but immediately stood on something.



In the elevator there were other people too!

How did I only just notice this now...

There are at least, estimating around twenty of us... thirty?

I don't know, too tired to count,

W-wait, what on earth am I doing here?

Why am I here?

Why don't I remember anything?

I-I don't even remember my own name... Who Are These People?!

Did They Put Me Here?!? Why Am I So Scared?!" I start panicking,

"Am I overreacting?" Doubt that.

"Have I been kidnaped?!," "oh god.. I-I'm starting to hyperventilate."

"Just five more minutes mom, I don't wanna get up for school."

I turned my head around slowly, hoping that I wasn't too loud to wake them up.

Thankfully they were still asleep,

"I guess whoever that was, they are having a weird dream or some shit."

I raised myself up again and started stepping over the sleeping people, trying to not step on them or wake them up.

I end up getting to the corner of the elevator

"Wow, this is a big elevator,"

I carefully sat down and tried to relax, when all of a sudden, I heard someone groaning,

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