The First to Fall

Start from the beginning

"The Knight Lights were your favorite, it's a very old story that dates back a long time Teddy. You really should respect their tale." Natalie reminded with a somber look on her face.

"Come on, it's a story for kids. Magical Knights who use magic and light to protect from the darkness? I mean their name is The Knight Lights. You know, night lights? It's cute, but I'm past the age of children stories. The world isn't as kind as those stories and you know it." Teddy said matter-of-factly after spitting out toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. Natalie put her hands up in defeat and followed him back to his bedroom, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Good night. I know the world isn't kind, but you know what I say." Natalie prompted, making Theodore smile as he grabbed his pajamas to change.

"The world may not be so kind but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be." Theodore recited. Natalie nodded and messed his hair up again.

"Alright. Sleep tight." Natalie headed out of the room, and down to finish her tea before bed. Theodore changed into his pajamas and slid into bed. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

His dreams were filled with unknown faces and dark enemies. It was a nightmare he couldn't quite escape. They went after his parents, Natalie, his friends, and then him. A dark cloaked figure loomed over him menacingly, before he was shaken from his dreams. Tommy, Theodore's best friend, stood by his bed in his school uniform. The uniform was a pair of navy pants with a navy blazer, white button up, red tie, and the school's symbol- a compass rose, in red.

"Dude. We are so going to be late, what gives?" Tommy crossed his arms looking down at Theodore. Theodore was soaked with sweat and glanced at the clock; it was already seven in the morning. They had half an hour to get to school on time. Theodore looked confused as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"My alarm didn't go off and Natty didn't wake me? Did she let you in?" Theodore asked, getting out of bed and hurrying to get into his uniform after putting on some deodorant.

"Nope. I haven't seen Natty. No one answered the door, so I used the spare key you gave me." Tommy replied while waiting, sitting himself on the bed. Theodore finished pulling on his blazer and looked at his friend.

"I guess she was busy this morning, but that doesn't explain my alarm not going off..." Theodore frowned, adjusting his tie in the mirror then hurrying to put on socks and shoes.

"You probably slept through it or turned it off half asleep." Tommy suggested, but Theodore shot him an unimpressed glare.

"You know I'm a light sleeper. Whatever, we don't have time for this- we're already behind. I'll just drive us today." He led Tommy out of room and down to the garage in a hurry. He got into the driver's seat of his dark silver sedan, starting the car. Tommy hopped in the passenger seat, and they headed off to school, taking every short cut they could and avoiding the bulk of the traffic. They managed to get to the school with five minutes to get to class.

The two exited the car quickly, and sprinted into Monroe Preparatory. They hurried to the third floor and into room 308. They slid into their seats just as the bell rang, both panting and out of breath. Thankfully their seats were in the back, as Mrs. Callahan began talking about Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, the book they were a fourth of the way through reading. Theodore got out his notes and began committing to working on classwork. It was a long, grueling class period full of information that he was certain would be on an upcoming test. Just as the class was nearing its end the secretary to the headmaster knocked on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Callahan, but I need to see Mr. Kitchener- I'm afraid it's urgent." The secretary stated, gesturing at Theodore.

"Of course. Just remember to check the syllabus for your assignments." Mrs. Callahan said her student before letting Theodore gather his things and follow the secretary out of the room and down to the main office, where the secretary sighed deeply.

"I'm afraid this would be something best heard from your mother- she called us." The woman dialed the house number on her desk phone, and handed it over to Theodore, who took it nervously in his hand and put it to his ear as it rang. What was something so important that his extremely busy mother called him at school? He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach- something wasn't right. It took a couple rings before the phone was picked up on the other end.

"Mom? What's going on?" Theodore asked without any preamble or pleasantries.

"Teddy? Oh, thank god. It's awful. I'm so thankful you are okay." His mother's voice was wracked with pain.

"What happened? Mom?" Theodore gripped the phone, his sinking feeling getting worse by the second.

"It's Natalie, sweetie. I came to give her the list of things that needed done and her room was destroyed." His mother managed as she began to sob.

"But Natty's okay right?" Theodore shook with fear, voice unsteady.

"Oh sweetie... Natalie is dead." Her voice was hollow, full of pain. "Do you want us to come pick you up?" His mother offered, trying to be as gentle as she could.

"No... I... I have class. I'll see you at home later." Before she could argue Theodore put the phone on the hook and looked at the secretary. "If she calls back, tell her I'll complete the day and see her at home." He requested. The Secretary gave him a pitying look, nodding her head. Theodore took his things to the bathroom, ignoring everything else in the halls on the way there.

The moment he was behind closed doors, the gravity of the news all hit him at once. He fell onto the toilet seat, sobbing so heavily his body shook. The school bell rang but Theodore didn't move. He curled in on himself, and let himself cry. He couldn't quite believe that Natty was dead, but he knew it was true. His heart felt like it had broken, and he suddenly felt so alone. She had been everything to him- his closest thing to a parent, his biggest supporter, the one who had helped him grow into who he was now, and now she was gone.

It took some time before his crying had calmed down. He stepped out of the stall, washing his face of the tears in the bathroom sink. As he went to pick up his backpack, the bottom seam split and all its contents spilled out onto the floor. Theodore fell to his knees, starting to cry again, trying to pick up his books and folders. It was as if the world was crashing down on him, and what would usually be a minor inconvenience felt like a stab in the gut. The bathroom door opened as Theodore was gathering his things, and in walked Jayden, Theodore's old best friend and crush- absolutely the last person he wanted to see right now. Jayden looked at him on the floor and frowned, kneeling down to help him pick up everything.

"I'm sorry about Natty, Teddy." Jayden apologized, looking him in the eyes with concern and caring.

"I guess nothing stays private for long in this school." Theodore replied bitterly, looking back at his former friend.

"I know... I'm really sorry Teddy. If you need anything..." Jayden started to say, but was cut off by Theodore.

"Yeah, because I can rely on you? How long has it been since you even talked to me? But now you suddenly care? I lost the closest thing I have to a real parent, and now you care?" He took his things from Jayden and got up. "Go back to your new popular friends... I don't need pity." Theodore got up and hurried out of the bathroom, heading to his next class that he was way late to.

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