How They Stalk You

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While he truly believes a thief takes what they want, something he is very familiar with. But something about makes him want to do things a little different. it confuses him, but he's more than willing to play along.He enjoys watching you go about your normal day, so plain, so boring, just so normal. It amuses him. Watching you doing errands is something he loves to watch. What kind of food do you like? What kind of new clothes are you getting? Do you pay your bills on time?Chrollo is no rookie when it comes to being able to watch someone without them noticing. So you won't notice him unless he wants to.Speaking of noticing him when wants to, he'll purposely bump into you, or offer to take a cab somewhere with you to split the fare. Introducing himself, learning little bits about you that he can't learn through watching you run errands.Might even purposely spill your drink then offer to go take you to buy a new one. It's almost like your guy's first date.Eventually, he'll move to watch when you sleep at night, breaking into your place, watching you peacefully sleep. You look like an angel, so beautiful, so peaceful. Little do you know he's watching you sleep, touching himself at the thought of having you to himself soon.He might even steal a few things of yours, especially underwear. It helps him get through those times when he's away from you due to a mission.Eventually watching you isn't enough, he needs to actually have you. Have you sleep in his bed, walk around his place wearing one of his shirts. Have you begging for him to fuck you over and over again. When that time comes, you won't even stand a chance, but no worry. He'll make sure to grab some of your belongings to help you adjust to your new life

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