chapter thirty-four

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A/N: heyo! so if you saw the announcement on my page, you'll already know that this is the second-to-last chapter of White Lies :( i was hoping that i got to fifty chapters, but i jampacked a bunch into these thirty-five lol

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A/N: heyo! so if you saw the announcement on my page, you'll already know that this is the second-to-last chapter of White Lies :( i was hoping that i got to fifty chapters, but i jampacked a bunch into these thirty-five lol. so w that, enjoyyyy!

oh, p.s. i'm sure you guys'll figure it out, but when i use the cloud dividers now, it's when the pov switches between jj's view and lio's view. the moon dividers are if the scene switches, like it always has been. and when there's italics after arrow dividers, that's a flashback/memory. okay now enjoy! <3, lils

Lioana groans when she hears pounding on the closed door that doesn't remain closed seconds later.

"Get up." The booming voice of the blonde woman makes Lio wanna vomit.

"Leave me alone," Lioana mutters.

"Lio I--"

Lio snaps suddenly, cutting the social worker off, "Do not ever call me Lio. It's Lioana to you."

"Fine. But get up. I've got work to do and places to be." Angeline

The sting in her throat stays as memories flood back from two days prior.

Lioana has been in the great state of South Caroline since DCS took her from her home. That night, Lio, Angeline, Bruce, and James flew straight to Charleston. She contemplated escaping since the night she arrived, but there's no hope; Bruce and James switch every six hours, standing outside the cold, uncomfortable office that Lio temporarily calls her humble abode.

"Rise and shine," Bruce knocks on the door as Lio runs her hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face.

"Can I just be alone for four damn seconds?"


"It was a rhetorical question dumbass."

"Just pack your things, we're getting you a home today."

Bruce left Lioana to shove her pittance of belongings. Shoving her shorts and socks into her backpack, she stops. She picks up the white shirt; the white shirt that belonged to JJ.


"JJ! John B is gonna get so mad if he knows I'm out this late," Lio laughs.

"It'll be fineeee. You're with me sooo..."

"Sooo... he's gonna be even madder!"

"He'll get over it. It's gonna be worth it, I promise."

JJ grabs Lio's hand, leading the way through the thick plants.

"It's right through here," JJ points to something ahead of him.

"How do you know? It's dark!"

White Lies | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now