When you finished part 3 you noticed that Nat had fallen asleep on your shoulder.

While watching the movie she was already cuddled up with you so you didn't notice she had closed her eyes and had fallen asleep.

You closed the laptop and put it away.

Then you laid down next to her.

You laid on your back and she had her head on your shoulder and her arm and leg were wrapped around you.

You held her hand and stroke her hair and after a while you fell asleep too.

The next morning you woke up in an empty bed.

You started to think that you had pushed her away or that she couldn't sleep well because of you.

But then the redhead stepped out of your bathroom with a towel around her body and wet hair.

"Good morning beautiful redhead" you said while you couldn't keep your eyes off her.

"What are you starting at" she said.

"You" you said with a soft smile.

"Can I borrow some clothes from you?" She asked

"Yeah of course" you said while getting out off your bed.

"Do you want like normal, training or comfy clothes?" You asked

"Can I borrow the hoodie you're wearing now and some sweatpants please?" She asked "I really like the hoodie that you're wearing now" she said

"Okay but wait let me grab a hoodie for myself first" you said.

Then you grabbed a hoodie and turned away from Nat so you could change hoodies and she wouldn't see your cuts.

Nat gave you a weird look when you turned around.

When you changed hoodies you turned back around and gave Nat the hoodie you were just wearing and a pair of sweatpants.

"Why did you turn around? Don't you trust me with seeing your body?" She said kinda sad.

"Of course I do trust you but it's just that I have so many wounds now and I didn't want you to see that early on the day I was just sparing you" you told her as excuse.

"You know that I've had  and seen wounds more gross and worse that that right?" She asked

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry and I really do trust you, okay?" You said.

Then you walked over to her and put your arms around her neck and then you gave her a Kiss.

After the kiss you smiled and said "sorry for my morning breath"

"I don't care" she said then she pulled you in for another kiss and wrapping her hands around your waist.

When you guys pulled away again you just kept staring In Each other's eyes and just holding each

"Now go change into MY clothes" you said giving her another smile

"Thank you" she said

"Now hurry up I'm hungry" you said

When Nat changed into your clothes you couldn't help but staring at her cute smile.

She had put on the hood and the hoodie was oversized so it looked very cute.

"Staring again?" She said

"You just look so cute I couldn't help myself" you said "now let's get breakfast" you said

Wanda and Bucky had become your best Friends so when Nat walked into the kitchen with your hoodie on they immediately noticed.

Wanda, Bucky and you met up in one of your rooms atleast once a week to just talk and have fun, and Bucky even joins the girl nights.

So after breakfast when Nat went to the living room to chill a bit Wanda and Bucky went over to you.

"Y/n why was Nat wearing your hoodie?" Wanda asked

"Did she find it on your bedroom floor this morning?" Bucky asked with a smirk

"Bucky stop, and no that's not it, I gave it to her because she said she was cold and that she liked the hoodie, and as the good friend I am I gave it to her" you said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Just friend huh" Bucky teased

You knew they had found out already but you didn't want to talk about it in the kitchen.

"I give up, come to my room tonight at 10pm and then I'll tell you guys everything" you said

"Deal" Wanda said

At 10:30 pm you heard knocks on your door.

Wanda and Bucky were always late but you knew that.

You opened the door and let them in.

You guys made a little circle on your bed and you started telling everything.

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