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When they finally entered a clearing and the Lost Boy let her go she collapsed to the ground. Once Emma was able to get a good look at the clearing and the roaring stopped in her ears, she could see a fire blazing triumphantly in the center surrounded by tent like structures. A boy was playing a song on the pipes and when the tune changed all the lost boys began to dance around the fire. As if it were for some weird ritual. The boy playing the pipes stopped the song and watched the boys dancing with cruel smirk across his features. There was almost something evil about the scene as if the song was the controlling the boys.
When the boy who had been playing the pipes just moments ago saw her he grimaced as if she were a bug. He moved to stand over her, she refused to feel like small little girl compared to a teenaged boy. She pushed herself up, she stood almost a good three inches over him. "So your the girl who appeared on my island?"
The way he spoke, he sounded much older than he looked as if he had been alive for centuries. But what he said didn't make sense, none of this made sense. "What do you mean on your island?"
"This is Neverland, and I am Peter Pan. These boys, are mine." He gestured to the boys dancing wildly around the crackling fire. Pan looked different from the others, he had brown hair and green eyes but thats not what made him different. She couldn't place her finger on it but... "Are you going to answer me? Or do I need to force it out of you?"
"I don't know how I got here." Emma felt as though the world was tilted sideways and she was spinning through it. And honestly she was becoming nauseated by her surroundings. But that wasn't even the oddest part, all of this looked strangely familiar. As if she'd been here before.
Pan laughed, a dry laugh with no sign of good nature. "You honestly expect me to believe that?"
"All I know is, I closed my eyes and blew out my candle made a wish and when I opened my eyes again I was here."
At that Pan smirked. "What did you wish for?"
The question took her by surprise and she couldn't see the relevancy of the question. "To not be alone on my birthday."
"Well that explains it. Neverland is for children who feel lost abandon, orphans. All the lost boys share the same look you have in your eyes." Pan said the smirk still written across his features.
The boy who had forced her here now went to Pans side. "What would you like to be done with her?"
Pan looked at her for awhile more before responding. "Lock her up, Felix. Break her. Then we will see. This shall be a fun game."
At that Emma made a move to break for it but before she had the chance Pan grabbed her. She squirmed in his grip. "Let me go! I won't have any part in your games Pan! I will escape!" She shouted.
He snickered behind her. "You won't escape, no one leaves this island without my permission. You will become my lost girl. As soon as that will of yours is broken." Emma continued to thrash in his grip, but despite all the effort she put in his arms remained firm. "And I'm afraid Emma your to stubborn to accept the truth."
At that something hit her across the head and she blacked out the last thing she felt was herself afloat in the air.

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