~I love you~

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*the next day branch was showing poppy a field full of lily flowers*

Poppy: Wow these flowers are so beautiful

Branch: Yeah i used to come here all the time when i was a kid

Poppy: really? so did i...well i just came here whenever i was feeling sad

Branch: Really? Why?

Poppy: *sighs* well when i was a kid, my mom was killed and i miss her every single day 

Branch: *looks down feeling bad for her and then looks at her sweetly* well you won't have to be alone, you have me and i'll always be here to keep you safe no matter what the cost

*branch told her as he held her hand tenderly*

*Poppy smiled at him sweetly*

Poppy: Thanks branch, you're really sweet

*Branch chuckled as he blushed*

Branch: Anytime...

*Branch pulled her into a hug*

*a few minutes later, he pulled away and he and poppy looked deeply into each other's eyes*

Branch: so uh poppy i was kinda maybe wondering if you wanted to go on a canal ride with me later tonight- i mean it's nothing really but uh

Poppy: *giggles* Branch of course i'd love that

Branch: Okay i'll- i'll be right back gotta go get ready for tonight

*Branch goes to the bunker*

Poppy: *giggles*

*But little did poppy know that creek in a black cloak was hiding behind a rock*

Creek: oh no i gotta tell the leader about this

*At the shady pod*

???: She's gone? oh you're an idiot she's right in-

*when the leader shadow opened the closet door, poppy wasn't in there*

Creek: see? She's gone

???: Well then *Grabs creek by his throat* Bring her back!!

Creek (Choking): i- i will! I swear!!

*meanwhile, At night*

*Poppy and branch were in a canal with a beautiful view of the ocean*

Branch: so poppy

Poppy: Hm?

Branch: Is there something you wanna talk to me about?

poppy: Oh so uh well yeah well even though we cuddled at night and even kissed...well I- i just wanna tell you...I love you

branch: *chuckles* oh poppy I don't think you realized it yet...I was already yours when you kissed me

Poppy: really?

Branch: yeah I just wanna say...I love you too

*branch told her as he brushed her bangs out of her face while caressing her cheek*

*Poppy could have sworn her heart skipped a beat, branch had told her that he loved her back*

Poppy (Whispering): *smiles with her mouth slightly agape* Thank you...

*and then they lean in and share their actual first kiss*

*But halfway through the kiss he notices bounty hunters*

*Poppy notices branch's slightly worried expression and pulls out of the kiss*

Poppy: Branch? Is something wrong?

Branch: Huh? Oh yes, Uh, y- yes, I just...I'm sorry, everything is fine but we should return to the bunker just in case

Poppy: Okay

*When they arrived at shore*

Branch: Okay come on this way

*Branch grabs poppy's hand and leads her towards the bunker*

*But halfway to the bunker they begin hearing strange noises that sound like whispers*

Poppy: Uh branch? What's that noise?

Branch: I Don't know...stay here i'll go find out

Poppy: But branch

Branch: Don't worry i'll be back before you know it *kisses poppy's forehead*

*branch walks into the forest to find the source of the mysterious noise*

*A few minutes later*

*the fog had begun to settle in and poppy was starting to get worried*

*then she noticed a large silhouette walking towards her*

Poppy: Branch there you are i was starting to get worried, you weren't gonna come back

*then the figure split revealing two scarred bounty hunters*

Poppy: What the?

Bounty Hunter #1: Well well well if i didn't know better i'd say that you're a princess right?

Poppy: *gulps nervously and backs up* Y- yeah?

Bounty Hunter #2: how do you think someone will pay for the pretty princess?

*then one of them pulled out a large bag*

Poppy: no Please!

*poppy began to run away quickly but the bounty hunters started going after her*

Poppy: No! no!

*but suddenly poppy's ankle got tangled in some vines and she tried to pull it free*

*but as she was struggling to get free she heard something attacking the bounty hunters*

??? (Worriedly): Poppy!

Poppy: Branch?

*Then poppy saw another silhouette coming towards her and when it emerged from the fog, it was branch*

Branch: Poppy!

Poppy: Branch...

Branch: *runs over to poppy and hugs her tightly as she returns the hug* Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Poppy: i- i was trying to get away from the bounty hunters but *winces in pain* my ankle...it got caught

*branch looked at her ankle and he got it free and examined it*

Branch: Okay it's nothing too bad you just sprained it...don't worry i'll get you to the bunker and i'll treat your ankle until it gets better okay?

Poppy: Okay

*branch scooped her up in his arms and took her to the bunker to heal her sprained ankle*

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