Chapter 11: Pirates don't get free food

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My entire body hurt once I woke up. Putting a hand on my head and the other on my coat, I gulped. My favorite hat was gone and so were my weapons... Stupid SHA! I squinted as my vision slowly returned. Creepy grey walls, cold floor, iron bars, and tiny window... I was no longer at the port. My enemies had dragged me unconscious to jail. Besides, let's not forget about my relationship that ended in disaster. I wanted to suffer because Dirk could've been killed and cry about our painful goodbye... I really did. However, the bastard had broken me so much that I couldn't. I felt nothing when Dirk's possible death came to my mind. We had an intense love that became a bizarre mix of hatred, fear, and sadness.

"I'll call you Gilbert. Let's talk," I stared at a black mouse. "Isn't love the worst lie ever invented?"

The rodent squeaked, seemingly uninterested in my personal issues. Don't judge me! He was my only friend at the moment. Supposing it was a male... Anyway, I looked at the wall for an instant.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Maartje and Laurens broke up. The love between couples is so fake!" I crossed my arms. "Hendrika must've invented it. Only her could come up with something that cruel."

Swallowing hard, I thought of my friends and children. What had happened to Laurens and Maartje? Were Miguel, Francis, and the kids alright? I'd break all those iron bars and send the SHA straight to hell if they'd injured my family.

"Besides putting my crew in danger, Dirk shattered my heart! Why did I fall for that jerk, Gilbert?" I pressed my lips together. "I should've listened to Maartje and Miguel."

The mouse stopped chewing, apparently enjoying the conversation. Although Gilbert couldn't understand me, at least he didn't smash my neck... Yes, a rodent treated me better than Bosch.

"I misjudged too many people. Sven seemed nice and turned out to be a traitor. I thought Miguel was just a seducer when he's actually a wonderful person," the memories kept hitting me like bullets. "Dirk was... I can't talk about him without feeling angry!"

If someone's listening to me, they'll think I'm crazy.

The rodent left in a rush, startled by the noise of two approaching guards. I hoped poor Gilbert wouldn't meet his partner because heartbreak was guaranteed.

I frowned, "What an impolite mouse! Gilbert could at least have shared the food!"

Bloodstains were all over the hallway. Although I didn't want to believe it, there were two heads on a corner... Guess what? My day was about to get more fun! I hadn't recovered from my uncle's assassination and the breakup yet, but life didn't care. One guard wore an RNN uniform and the other was from the Armada.

I wish Gilbert bit these guys like Francis...

They dragged me out of the cell. My arms trembled as the men pushed me to walk faster. Not even the fire torches helped decrease the coldness of that dark place. My eyes bulged as I saw two other heads. There was no way I'd let my crew and family end up like those poor guys. The SHA could do as many bad things to me as they wanted, but I'd never stop protecting those I cared about. Although I wasn't sure about my other crewmembers, I knew Miguel, Maartje, and Laurens would do the same for me.

"What about a nice meal?" I raised my brows. "I know someone who can make us empanadas!"

The RNN man squeezed my wrists, "Shut up!"

I rolled my eyes, "You really don't have a sense of humor..."

The guards pushed me harder, making me flinch. Yeah, pirates didn't get free food... Perhaps they'd give me a drink? Navy guys carried many alcoholic beverages, so maybe they wouldn't mind if I took one. A drink was all I needed since that place screamed death. I hoped I wouldn't see Dirk again if I ended up in hell... What? A guy who cheated, didn't love his daughter, and humiliated his woman would only end up there! He could still be alive, but surviving after being stabbed in the chest was unlikely. Even though cruel people didn't die easily, Bosch's chances of survival were low.

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