Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Jean sits down beside me and I move to lean on him a little. We both stare out over the water. Jean slips his hand into mine.

"Are you scared?" He asks.

"Terrified. You?"


Silence falls between us.

I tighten my gear as I walk out of a room. A voice echoes down the hallway and I see Levi coming towards me. He still hadn't recovered fully but there is a look of determination in his eye. He stops and stares at me.

"I'm coming with you brats." He snarls.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "As much as I would love to argue with you right now about how that's a bad idea, I have a feeling you can still kick my ass even in the state you're in now."

"After all of these years, you've finally learnt." He says as he carries on down the hallway. 

I sigh and follow after him. "I just know I'm not in the position to argue this matter because I know Jean will turn it back around on me."

"He doesn't want you to fight?" 

I shake my head as I fall in step with Levi. "He wants me to stay behind with Marco and the kids."

"I agree with him." 

I stop but he keeps on walking. "What?" I shout after him. "You're agreeing with him?"

Levi stops, using the wall for support. "Don't be so dramatic," he looks down at the ground. "I think you should stay back. We've already lost enough people."

I'm silent. Stunned silent to be exact. I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Levi doesn't say anything else as he walks outside.  

I finally join the rest of the team outside as they get ready. I sit down next to Levi. Was he right? Should I really stay behind?

"(y/n)," Jean waves his hand in front of my face.

I look up at him and really look at him. There is confusion and concern in his eyes as he stares down at me, his lips move but I can't hear a thing he's saying right now. A small smile comes to my face as I realise how much I'm in love with this man. From the annoying shit he says to the way he is always right beside me. The way he loves Marco and me unconditionally.

"(y/n)," his voice breaks through to me as he kneels down in front of me. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

I shake my head. "Not a word. I was thinking about how in love I am with you."

Levi gives off a short snort but doesn't say a thing.

A smile comes to Jean's stressed face. "I was going to save this until after this after everything was finished but I can't risk it."

I tilt my head to the side. "Save what? What are you going on about?"

"Let him finish," Levi says.

Jean pulls out a small box from his pocket. A few gasps are shared around the group. He looks me directly in the eye.

"(y/n), I don't want to die regretting never doing this," he starts. "Our lives are too short and I would be a fool not to keep someone as precious as you by my side forever."

My eyes grow in disbelief as Jean opens the box. Inside is a single silver ring with a small crystal on top. I lean forward to get a better look, to make sure my eyes aren't fooling me.

"Will you marry me?" Jean asks.

I reach forward and pick out the small ring. I hold it up to the light, examining it. It really is real. My eyes dart back down to Jean who looks frozen in fear. A grin spreads over my face before I tackle him over.

"Yes, a thousand times yes," I yell embracing him tightly.

Cheers rise up around us.

He lets out a huge sigh of relief. "I thought you were going to say no for a moment there." He admits.

"I would've said no," Levi grumbles.

I laugh and look back over my shoulder at the injured man. "I don't think Jean would have wanted to marry you, to be honest."

Levi rolls his eye and grunts. "He almost pissed himself asking me if I would be okay with it."

Jean helps me off the ground, brushing off any dirt. He takes the ring and slips it onto my finger before kissing the back of my hand and then my lips. My arms wind around his neck, pulling him in closer.

"Okay, you two cut it out now," Levi demands. 

I pull away from Jean and look down at Levi. "I can't believe you gave him your blessing."

He moves his attention down to his gear, tighten a belt that obviously doesn't need tightening. "Don't go thinking about it too much. Erwin would've approved it."

"I think you secretly approve of it as well." I tease.

"Don't push your luck, brat."

I laugh as Jean intertwines his fingers with mine. There is a huge smile plastered on his face and he looks so relieved.

A gunshot fires and everyone snaps their attention to the hangar where the airship is. My legs are moving before I even know what's happening.

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